5 reasons to attend #AppCommerce 2019 event | Poq



#AppCommerce 2019 is a must-attend event for retailers and brands looking to expand their knowledge of the rapidly evolving world of retail and the growing and integral role that mobile apps can play.

The event will bring together leaders in commerce, industry experts and innovative minds, with best practice on app success, thought-provoking case studies, along with Q&As with leading retailers.

1. Hear it from the horse’s mouth

The industry’s experts and retailers winning in the shopping app game will present and participate in discussions and workshops across 3 streams to share their experiences and tips for gearing up for app success.

2. Get inspired and educate your team

There will be plenty of learnings about optimising or planning your app strategy for you to implement and to take back to share with your team.

3. Be a pioneer not a laggard

With the latest intel from the experts on the retail landscape, you’ll be able to take actionable insights back to your business.

4. Get those burning questions answered

Every session, from presentations to workshops will have a chance for Q&A. Get every question you have about app commerce answered by the people who know most about it.

5. Get connected

Your chance to meet and network with other retailers and our event sponsors, Stripe, Emarsys and Klarna to see how others are tackling their app strategies and how best to drive customer engagement.

What 2018 attendees thought…

Simon Lilley

Head of Digital — Neal’s Yard Remedies
#AppCommerce 2018 attendee

‘The great thing about this event is that you get real retailers that are using applications, you get the insights from those mixed with real thought leaders. The Panelists gave some really good insights into the current landscape, the challenges of that landscape and some good solutions from that point of view.’

Andrea Trocino

Chief Product Officer, Asos
#AppCommerce 2018 panelist

“Customers are moving, so you really need to be up to their game, and I think events like this can have a good impact on sharing best practice or different use cases for different companies. And then you can actually tailor your roadmap and get the best of the technology.”

Don’t miss your chance to gain some valuable insights from the industry’s leaders and experts, find out more.

Originally published at https://poqcommerce.com on May 15, 2019.




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