Poq platform release: Nebula is here



Nebula has arrived! Our latest platform release, Nebula, brings in new features that will increase conversion, allow for more customisation, and improve the user experience.

So what’s new with Nebula?

Increase conversion with product badges and Android tab navigation

Sometimes, it’s the smallest changes and additions that can make the biggest difference and this can definitely be said of product badges. Adding product badges can increase conversion rates by 55%. They increase conversion by:

  • helping shoppers discover products more easily — “On Sale”
  • creating a feeling of urgency — “Low Stock”
  • building trust through social proof — “Bestseller”

We have enabled the product badge feature for our PLP (product listing page) and PDP (product details page) screens. With the implementation of product badges, Poq clients are sure to see improved product discoverability and conversion.

Our new product badges are not the only feature in our latest release that will increase conversion. We have also enabled Android tab navigation. Its key benefit is the user’s ability to switch between various app destinations without losing context. Wishlist activity increases, navigation is optimised, and overall user experience becomes more fluid. As a result of the app’s smoother experience, users are more satisfied and conversion improves.

To learn more, check out our blog “Increasing conversion with new Android tab navigation.”

One size guide does not fit all

Different types of clothing have different types of sizes related to them. Some are best suited with the basic Small to Large range, while others need numerical values. As a result, one size guide cannot adequately fit all types of clothing. In response, we have launched the ability for our apps to open product specific size guides. Clothing pieces needing their own size guide will now link to a size guide completely relative to its unique design. Poq clients need only add the specific size guide URL into the product feed for the new feature to be implemented.

It doesn’t stop there…

We’ve also made many changes under the hood so that our platform is easier to work with and customise. A lot more features and information will follow soon, so stay tuned…

If you want to learn more about our path towards self-service, check out our blog: “Building the best self-service app commerce features“.

Find out more

To discover how the Poq platform can deliver you an optimised app, enhanced user experience, and increased loyalty, please get in touch.

Originally published at poqcommerce.com on January 31, 2019.




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