Colombian Author Adriana Aristizabal Releases New Book

PorColombia NY
PorColombia NewYork Professional
2 min readJan 30, 2017

Adriana Aristizabal’s second book, Caught in the Storm of War: Memoirs of a War Reporter’, launched this month.

Why is this book so important today?

There is a historical story that leads us to the current (Colombian) peace process that cannot be forgotten; a historical story of the senseless death, torture, sorrow, and pain experienced by a country of innocent victims… More than 84 journalists were killed over more than 20 years during this conflict, highlighting the risk and sacrifice that reporters, journalists, broadcasters and editors lived with in Colombia, a country with one of the highest murder rates for journalists in the world.

Adriana is one of the reporters who survived. She fled Colombia with her son to New York City, under the threat of the FARC. In her book, she tells the story to remember the fallen and to encourage the peace process through a historical story that serves the Colombian citizens but also provides hope and a sobering account to others around the world who now experience their own storm of war.

Today, the Colombian peace process has the attention and interest of the global community. This book aims to remind us to honor and remember the victims of war, the families who lost loved ones, and the war reporters who lost their lives.

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Interview on Univision

Press Release

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Press Release Colombian Author

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