This is a series from and for everyone connected with or interested in the porn industry. We ask various sex-companies about their history, break-event points, dealing with social stigma and what is specific while working in an industry like this.

Kaja Kondratiuk
Porn Kitchen
3 min readSep 7, 2017


Bread & sex is a space for open conversation and exploring options. This is a project created by Almudena M. Ferrer and includes workshops in which about playful sexuality.

How long did it take your company to start earning money? What should have to be done to monetize a business?

To monetize your activities, don’t go political and/or committed to a greater good. When I started Bread and Sex, I put the improving of people’s sexuality in the XXI century before pure profit — there’re other works I do that pay my bills. At first, I had this big client that hired my Bread and Sex services for a wide range of activities and paid well, but now I’m just keeping a financial balance each time I organize a Bodysex, for example.

What was the toughest part while building your company?

I think the hardest for me has been getting out of the box for exploring the world of sexuality outside normativity. I guess starting any other business must be easier.

What about the social stigma?

Of course, there is a social stigma around pornography and webcam businesses! And I’m not sure about that stigma should be entirely removed, or maybe porn could lose all its excitement, the forbidden fruit factor. Legal and safe, of course, and with a degree of pudor regarding underage, with social recognition of its workers without discrimination from any other job, but still something to keep for yourself and your consensual partners instead of waving it around. In any case, I see great advancement in this regard. It’ll take time, but the ugly parts of that stigma will be removed and normalized.

Bread&sex in association with

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Published on September 5, 2017.
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