This is a series from and for everyone connected with or interested in the porn industry. We ask various sex-companies about their history, break-event points, dealing with social stigma and what is specific while working in an industry like this.

Kaja Kondratiuk
Porn Kitchen
3 min readAug 29, 2017


SofiaGray is the largest and safest marketplace for the buying and selling of used underwear. They are a group of young entrepreneurs who, for the longest time, have been obsessed with the adult industry. They wanted to add a value to the lives of those who shared their passion for the field and after brainstorming to oblivion, they noticed the used panties niche was looking a bit lacklustre.

They think that other marketplaces and forums removed all sexiness from what is a very sultry trade. They wanted to create something that will allow sellers to feel empowered and buyers feel secure.

How long did it take your company to start earning money?

We launched in 2015, and it took around 6 months for the company to start breaking even.

What was the toughest part while building your company?

The toughest yet most satisfying part of our run so far has been a viral story that was written about us. Cosmopolitan ran a story about our site that created a snowball effect. Before we knew it, we were featured on the front page of Cosmo, Snapchat and several other media outlets. As you would expect this sent tens of thousands of visitors to our site, which was a little too much for our humble server to handle. The site crashed continually we received complaint after complaint, while we scrambled to upgrade our server and get it back online. We lost thousands of customers and a lot of credibility, but we learned a lot from that experience and made many improvements to our company because of it.

What about the social stigma?

There is a huge stigma around the adult industry and those involved in it. One way we tried to combat this stereotype is by making our platform a legitimate business. Instead of a site plastered in raunchy pictures and videos, we wanted something classy, sleek and elegant. We wanted the world to know this is a business like any other and we take pride in it.

Sofiagray in association with

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Published on August, 2017.
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