The business of sex: Vibease

This is a series from and for everyone connected with or interested in the porn industry. We ask various sex-companies about their history, break-event points, dealing with social stigma and what is specific while working in an industry like this.

Kaja Kondratiuk
Porn Kitchen
3 min readOct 24, 2017


Vibease is a smart vibrator that buzzes in time with erotic audiobooks. The company behind it believe it’s bringing women’s alone time to a whole new level.

How long did it take your company to start earning money? What should have to be done to monetize a business?

We started the company with our own savings and small funding from angel investors.The fund was not enough for manufacturing. Thus we did crowdfunding.

As a hardware startup, the best way to sell and to launch the product is through crowdfunding. It took us a year from prototyping before we were ready to launch Vibease on Indiegogo.

What was the toughest part while building your company?

Running a startup is like riding a roller coaster. When we started Vibease, many people didn’t believe in us. They thought it was a cool idea, but they think we were not able to produce it. Some of the hardest moment we had was during the manufacturing time. Many of the problems were beyond own control, such as delayed components, defective mold, production schedule.

What is specific when it comes to a porn industry? What is specific when it comes to work in a porn industry?

I created Vibease when I was in a long-distance relationship. I want Vibease to help other couples to stay intimate. Even though we created Vibease as a sex tech product, many people see this as taboo and “dirty” product. Many banks and payment gateway didn’t accept business from the adult industry. Some e-commerce sites rejected our application even though they sell dildos on their sites. We even had courier company that refused to ship our product because it’s a sex device. It took us sometimes to explain to these companies to convince them we are not a porn company.

What about the social stigma?

There is a still social stigma around sex industry. People need to have an honest conversation about sex and porn. People need to know that sex is part of human basic needs. The same level as food and shelter. If this basic need is not met, something is missing in our lives.

Porn is to be blamed for teaching people the wrong thing about sex and given people with wrong expectation about sex. Many people didn’t realize that porn is an entertainment, not a documentary. The porn industry should inform the audience that porn is an entertainment.

Vibease in association with

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Published on October 24, 2017.
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