What you should read first when you’re running the porn site

Kaja Kondratiuk
Porn Kitchen
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2017

When we were creating our reinvented sex chat website, we felt so powerful that we were convinced that we were able to create not only the porn website but almost a new reality for porn. We had a great idea. We found a problem and we had an idea how to fix it. We were following the greatest advices, we were inspired by the greatest minds, and were prepared to work hard to achieve what we wanted. We felt like building a new opportunity, not just a new website or just another business. We were ready for everything, even — or maybe especially — to fight with windmills.

No matter how big the thing is you’re trying to build, you always need to start with the basics. And when it comes to the adult business, this is hardest that it seems. It is hidden like the porn from the mainstream. And even if everybody knows about porn and everybody uses it, no one can say anything specific about it. This is where the stairs began.

We looked for various solutions on the internet by digging through websites, blogs, adult industry forums, etc. It has been written about a lot, but not enough. When you’re trying to run a porn site, the problems can arise with the payment systems, banking accounts, advertisements, managing social media accounts…. You need a new solution for almost every problem. When you have got a start-up and dare to develop it, you’re always trying to reach a milestone. For us, one milestone was just being able to start.

So there we were: looking for basic information that could help us. And soon we realized that no virtual space offered this kind of information. There was no way to find out what we needed to know, to read case studies of other companies, get to know people who could inspire or support us. It was exactly the same when we were starting our company — we’d find a problem, a question without an answer. Once again, when we couldn’t find an existing solution, we decided to create it on our own. And this is the reason why Porn Kitchen was created.

We wanted to create a place that offers all the answers we were looking for. We want to collect valuable content for everyone connected with the adult industry or who is simply interested in it. We plan to focus on three things:

1) Profiles of inspiring people, various companies and innovative start-ups.

2) Entrepreneurship experience: cases and tips about management and development that will add up to a complete the “know-how” series, for the very first time in the adult industry. It will including our own story: the whole journey from the time we came up with an idea, through to creating Spotlive, untill a final launch and premiere of the new online sex experience. Described transparently, step by step.

3) The future of the industry: innovations, technologies and growth.

Our goal is to create a place that will have all the answers for the adult industry and everyone interested in it. Will have all solutions you’re looking for when you want to start or develop an adult business or just understand porn better. A place where the adult industry will be finally described without stigma, stereotypes and misconceptions, and portrayed as it should be: as a billion dollar business with greater reach than Hollywood and much bigger possibilities and influence.

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The sense of cooking is to share it with the other. Our ambition is to collect here every recipe and every tip for adult industry entrepreneurs and everyone interested about it. This is why we are ready to collaborate with everyone who wants to add anything related to main topic. We are also interested in sharing previously published articles to gather them together in a one place. In both cases — write to us: contact@thespotlive.com or directly to me: kaja@thespotlive.com.

