Chris S
2 min readSep 28, 2018

DNS: Domain Name System

BNS: Blockchain Name System

The current domain name system is fundamentally broken. Essentially managed by one organization, ICANN. The problem is the current centralized domain system had led to unprecedented government surveillance, domain censoring, websites seizing, and relentless hacking on the Internet.

Blockchain Name System (BNS) not only allows user to use it as a decentralized web domain name but also a decentralized identity and wallet address.

When we were kids, we were asked to remember names, our father and mother’s name. This is why we can easily recognize familiar brands and logos, sometime even subcautionously remember them. Hence, DNS brought a tremendous adoption to Web 2.0, turning IP address into human-memorizable domain name. Blockchain is facing the same problem, where hash is just like IP address, not human-recognizable. I believe BNS will solve a fundamental problem of blockchain, and a new wave of adoption.

Use cases:

Decentralized Website: ‘Qmcvp…..’ to ‘yourwebsite.eth’ or ‘mywebsite.icon’

Wallet Address: ‘0x5d681…..’ to ‘mywallet.eth’ or ‘yourwallet.wan’

Identity: ‘0x5d681…..’ (Cryptokitties) to ‘firecat.catcollection.chris.kitty’

Visit my decentralized website at

‘christophershen.eth’ (need to install metamask)

or https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/QmcePsi3JavCdjTMEU8hRaGajaCxcDv2GkeTuUkkXiussE/

The future is in blockchain-based domains and one of these extensions will become the next ‘.com’ equivalent on the new Internet with underlying decentralized components like IPFS and swarmDB.

Above images show that it is possible to mimic the current centralized domain system into blockchain, so user don’t have to change their habits of interacting with the new Internet (Web 3.0).

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