ETHIS — Ethereum Industry Summit Recap

3 min readSep 11, 2018

We would like to take this chance to thank the organizer of ETHIS (Ethereum Industry Summit) — Link Time, and the co-organizer — Kenetic Capital, ETHFANS, CSDN, and Forum-30 to share the exciting improvements on Ethereum and other projects as well as the opportunity to communicate with the blockchain community.

Ethereum Industry Summit gathers the core members of the Ethereum foundation, founders from the industry-leading projects, and more importantly, developers and blockchain communities around the world. This event focuses on (1) determining the scalability from different perspectives and (2) the latest industry updates.

Portal Network shared our experience on developing the Blockchain Name Service (BNS), from a human-readable domain name to how it can represent the gateway to wallet address, smart contract, and decentralized website URL.

Event Takeaway

Karl Floersch, the core researcher of Ethereum, is dedicated to the education of crypto economy and has created numbers of the related online lectures. Karl presents how the messages synchronous and asynchronous in the decentralized network, and how PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus and timestamp can efficiently solve the malicious nodes and double spending issues.

Jake Lang, the core researcher from Ethereum, presented the development progress on eWASM (a.k.a. Ethereum WebAssembly), which is the next version of Ethereum Virtual Machine that enhances the performance and extensibility of the original one. He also introduced the new smart contract language, ‘AssemblyScript’, which is the primary of eWASM.

David Knott from OmiseGo shared his experience in Plasma. He introduced how blockchain technology has evolved from the basic ledger, smart contract to side chains that can communicate with the main chain and many more.

Oskar Thorén, the head of engineering at, shared the need of improving user experience in Ethereum application. He specifically mentioned that lowering down the entry barrier for normal users and supporting different client system is necessary to empower more users to get involved in the blockchain ecosystem.

Eric Tang is the CTO of Livepeer, a decentralized Livestream platform. In his presentation, Tang showed the open source Livestream infrastructure that is built on top of Ethereum. Developers will be able to utilize the peer-to-peer media stream infrastructure to provide robust Livestream service for end users.


ETHIS is definitely one of the biggest Ethereum conferences in Asia. It provided a commonplace for developers, leader, and communities from all around the world to share experiences and exchange ideas for making the Blockchain technology more practical. Portal Network strongly believes that this kind of event is necessary for increasing the awareness of Web 3.0 and how it can affect our lives. Once again, we would like to thank the organizer, co-organizer and every attendee that made this event possible.

Photo credits to Link Time.

Thank you for reading

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