[ICON] Week 9, 10 ICON Update

3 min readNov 22, 2018

Last week, we announced that we have deployed the 3 INS (ICON Name Service) components on the Yeouido Testnet. Today, we will continue to explore other functions that are supported by the contracts. We will be talking about:

  1. Setting up default resolver
  2. Setting up multi-hash function

Reminder: If you are struggling in getting access to the Yeouido Testnet, read this article.

Set up a Default Resolver

Based on the design principle of INS, resolver is in charge of mapping between the INS domain and its corresponding resource such as wallet address, IPFS hash, and smart contract. But in order for the resolver to work properly, it is required to setup the default resolver in advance. Here is how:

Reminder: If you don’t have an INS domain yet, read this article.

Step 1 Go to Contract and input the registry contract. Then click confirm to proceed.


STEP 2 Input the required information. Choose function “setResolver” and enter your INS domain. Use “cxecd7052add32b867df043e5ee2c49b3045e23401”, then sign the transaction with the owner address. Note that Gas limit should be greater than 100,000 by default.


STEP 3 Confirm your transaction and wait for few seconds…

STEP 4 Choose the resolver function in Registry Contract and check the result.


Set up a Multi-Hash Function

If we recall the features of INS, one of it is to bind different blockchain resources with a single INS doman. Multi-hash is the funtion that enables this feature. Here is how to setup:

STEP 1 Go to contract and access the Resolver Contract.


STEP 2 Choose “setMultihash” function and input required information. The name section is for the resolver to distinguish the type of hash, which currently supports IPFS only at testnet. Note that Gas limit should be greater than 100,000 by default.


STEP 3 Confirm transaction and wait for few seconds…

STEP 4 Choose “Multihash” function and check the result.


We will further explore the other functions that INS provides in our future updates, so stay tuned!

Thank you for reading.

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Published in portalnetworkofficial

Portal Network solves the problem of user adoption, complexity, human error and lack of interoperability by deploying BNS standard across multiple blockchain protocols. Our mission is to enable both technical & non-technical users to easily deploy, host, connect and use ÐWeb.

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