[Integration Announcement] — KAIZEN x Chainlink

2 min readSep 24, 2019

Portal Network’s KAIZEN-CLI now support Chainlink, which could help developers to easily deploy Chainlink’s Oracle contract onto Ethereum via command `kaizen contracts deploy chainlink`.

TLDR: NPM for download — http://bit.ly/2lSH2Qy


What is Chainlink?

Full Article about Decentralized Oracle

Chainlink aims to build a fully decentralised network of oracle nodes compatible with Ethereum, Bitcoin and Hyperledger with modularity in mind: Every piece of the ChainLink system is upgradable. The main idea is to build a trusted marketplace for oracles where client and nodes are connected. Good behaviour is incentivised as performance and reputation is public, and bad behaviour will incur penalties. They are initially doing aggregation of data from oracles on-chain, but are looking to move it off-chain with an interesting design.

Chainlink illustration

The security of any system is only as strong as its weakest link. Decentralisation is here to ensure availability at all times, but to counter the risk of faulty nodes delivering poor data, ChainLink puts forward two possible solutions.

On-chain aggregation (source)

Start using Chainlink w/ KAIZEN-CLI

Supported contract template:

Chainlink — Chainlink Oracle Service,
ERC20 — ERC20 Token Standard,
ERC721 — ERC721 Token Standard,

```STEP 1: Install KAIZEN to support Chainlink
npm install -g kaizen-cli
STEP 2: Upload file using KAIZEN
kaizen contracts deploy [path]

That’s it, we hope you enjoy using KAIZEN-CLI and Chainlink, let us know what should integrate next.

