Portal Network <> BCH Devcon in SF

3 min readOct 5, 2018

Starting October 2018, BCH Devcon is being organized in several places around the world. Hosted by Permissionless Venture, a series of Hackathons will be taking place first in San Francisco on 10th — 11th of October, then in Amsterdam, Israel, Japan, Korea and more in the coming future. Portal Network will be participating as one of the technical partners in this event to provide BCNS (Bitcoin Cash Name Service) and various related tools. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Permissionless Venture and more importantly, the community, for making everything possible.

About BCH Devcon

BCH Devcon is aiming to embrace, and encourage ambitious hackers to challenge, collaborate, and come up with creative ideas. BCH hackathon’s main focus will be about bringing up new projects on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. The winner will receive 10 BCH and investment from Permissionless Venture. The second place and third place will receive 5 BCH and 1 BCH respectively.

Portal Network at BCH Devcon

Portal Networks is excited to have this opportunity to partner with BCH Devcon to implement BCNS’s SDK and API at this hackathon. By using the SDK (Software Development Kit) we provide, which is compiled with some of the necessary tools for developing BCNS, users will be able to get on with the development efficiently. And by using our API, developers would be able to interact with the BCNS features remotely, without the need to setup the local nodes for BCNS. We believe it will assist developers to have an easier and more efficient way to develop BCNS on Bitcoin Cash network.

Additionally, we will be providing Portal Network’s browser extension that can resolve the contents hosted on ‘.bch’ domain names. Developers and users can seamlessly access dWeb (decentralized website) hosted on IPFS with the extension.

Find out more about BCNS (Bitcoin Cash Name Service) and see what we are providing at a glance!

What to expect

Bitcoin Cash is built to be one of the best blockchain protocols for payments that are secure and scalable. With the implementation of Omni layer, it is now possible to have different applications on top of this reliable blockchain. In fact, more projects are now looking to build different real application that utilized Bitcoin Cash blockchain, such as Yours.org, Purse.io, Wormhole project and more. Therefore, we are expecting to see a stronger connection within the community and different opportunities that can inspire some groundbreaking projects.

Portal Network is thrilled to take part of the BCH Devcon in San Francisco. If you’re interested in knowing more about us and how we are implementing BCNS on Bitcoin Cash, come see us at BCH Devcon in San Francisco on October 10th –11th!

Thank you for reading.

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