Portal Network: Domain Market Cap Update. (Week 4)

4 min readMar 3, 2019

High-level summary of this post:

  • Domain Market Cap (DMC) Updates is as followings
  • DMC Front-end—Settings: Account Settings, Notification Menu, and Password Reset
  • DMC Features — Watchlist (heart shape)
  • DMC Back-end — Settings: API Integration
  • Security Upgrade — Storage of private key
  • We’ve also updated the Blockchain Name Service (BNS) smart contract, however it’s minimal since the main BNS contract is still being audit.
  • Solutions around relay have also been proposed. We will update this part in another post in the future.

What is the weekly update?

Weekly update is our effort to show what we, the team, have been working on every week relating to Portal Network. We also try to film short videos to make it hopefully more enjoyable. We believe this is the best way for you, the user, to track our progress. Some of things we write in here might be very redundant, such as bug fixes and UI upgrades, so if you are in hurry, just read the High-level summary.

You may have seen these words, BNS, DMC, ENS, being thrown around and if you’re wondering what the hell they are or more importantly what they mean … the list below is for you.

BNS — Blockchain Name Service

DMC — Domain Market Cap community.

ENS — Ethereum Name Service

Font-end Updates: Settings

From the start, we wanted to create a platform that is compatible across multiple blockchains — Ethereum, ICON, Wanchain. The uncluttered, user setting works on any screen, seamlessly directing you to accessing your Account Info.

The user setting is designed in a way to approach both the experienced user and the beginner. This is an on going process, you may send us a message via telegram or twitter for any improvements you have in mind.

Font-end Updates: Notification Menu

The notification menu is still in the testing phase, we’ve asked different users for feedbacks. Let us know what you think should be added as notification. Current ones are as listed in the image, they are divided into two sectors: Bidding and Selling.

We have thought about adding “Asking”, since it fits well with bidding, but for now it is set this way. And for “Buying”, it is currently auto message per purchase.

Features: Watchlist

The new watchlist feature enables user to monitor a certain types of domains by category, such as different blockchain and branding. It will also shows change of pricing.

You will find heart shape along any searchable domain names, once click it will show up in your watchlist. More features in watchlist will come in the future update.

Back-end: API Integration

The new watchlist feature enables user to monitor a certain types of domains by category, such as different blockchain and branding. It will also shows change of pricing.

  • User Settings API integration
  • User Change Password API integration
  • User Settings GET API upgrade
  • User Settings POST API upgrade
  • User Change Password API upgrade
  • User Watch List API integration
  • User Watch List GET API
  • User Watch List DELETE API
  • User Watch List POST API

You may also check our update status on http://github.com/PortalNetwork/

So there it is! We hope that you enjoy reading Portal Network’s Week 4 update. We’ve enjoyed creating Domain Market Cap, and we can’t wait to invite all of you to use it.

Please invite friends who are new to crypto to try it out, and let us know how it goes! As always, you can audit our open-source code on Github, reach out to us at telegram, and comment on our social channels.

Always here to help you on your crypto journey,

#teamPortal #itisPortal


