Portal Network: Domain Market Cap Update. (Week 9)

4 min readApr 9, 2019
Week 9 — Astronomy Playground

Domain Market Cap (DMC) Updates is as followings

  • Front-end — TLD Detail Page, Search Result, Listing Domain Page
  • New Features — Check Market Cap, Transaction Tx, and Domain Price
  • Back-end — GET BNS Summary List API
  • BNS Summary database schema design
  • Update Home Page UI, top bar index
  • Update TldDetail, display market cap and txCount, update UI
  • Update SearchResult, support domain filter, update UI
  • Open reserve will now direct to search result after login
  • This week we’ve been building the TLD detail page, also known as Top Level Domain (.eth/.icon/.tomo), where users find information about the specific blockchain name service. This allows user to easily grasp the information of the BNS, such as market size, transaction tx, listed domain, and registered domain.
  • Portal Network integrates with Metamask chrome extension.


What is the weekly update?

Weekly update is our effort to show what we, the team, have been working on every week relating to Portal Network. We also try to film short videos to make it hopefully more enjoyable. We believe this is the best way for you, the user, to track our progress. Some of things we write in here might be very redundant, such as bug fixes and UI upgrades, so if you are in hurry, just read the High-level summary.

You may have seen these words, BNS, DMC, ENS, being thrown around and if you’re wondering what the hell they are or more importantly what they mean … the list below is for you.

BNS — Blockchain Name Service

DMC — Domain Market Cap community.

ENS — Ethereum Name Service

Font-end Update: TLD Detail Page

TLD Detail Page is set up in a way to enable user to easily lookup Top Level Domain related details, such as market cap, 24hr transaction volume, total transactions, and more. kk

Front-end Update: Search Result Page

Search Result Page now supports multiple search detail, which should improve user searching experience.

Feature: Search Result Detail

Front-end Update: Listing Page

Listing page enables you to easily list domains across multiple blockchains, any listed domains will show your highest bid from bidder and your own selling price.

Try Universal Registrar NOW: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x6a3818ceea34bcf9f95b34b5f90e02071f4e757c#writeContract

Guideline: http://bit.ly/2K6Z6C1

If you don’t have PRT testnet token, please send us a message on Portal’s telegram chat page. Thanks

Back-end: API Integration

  • Smart Contract — Updates
  • Update PortalNetworkToken (PRT)
  • Update UniversalRegistrar

You may also check the update status at http://github.com/PortalNetwork/

So there it is! We hope that you enjoy reading Portal Network’s Week 9 update. We’ve enjoyed creating Domain Market Cap, and we can’t wait to invite all of you to use it.

Please invite friends who are new to crypto to try it out, and let us know how it goes! As always, you can audit our open-source code on Github, reach out to us at telegram, and comment on our social channels.

Always here to help you on your crypto journey,

#teamPortal #itisPortal

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