Single, Divorced, and Widowed People Need Massage Therapy the Most

Therapeutic touch is crucial to solitary happiness

Jen McGahan
Portals Pub


Photo by Katsiaryna Endruszkiewicz on Unsplash

“My grief counselor thinks I might be acting promiscuous on dates.”

My hiking friend (we’ll call her Suzie) was walking fast, just slightly ahead of me. When we hike we talk freely, much more so than if we were sitting face to face in a restaurant. There’s something about a sunny trail in the woods to get a conversation rolling.

Suzie is an open book on most subjects. In fact, she’s one of those refreshingly honest people in the world. What you see is what you get. But still, this comment stopped me.

“Well, you’d know…” I suggested cautiously. Where was this going?

I might have laughed, but I could tell she was serious. Suzie had been a widow for almost two years the day she broached this subject. I’d been telling her I was thinking about enrolling in massage school, and she enlivened the conversation with this juicy tidbit.

She had me at “Promiscuous”

Suzie is a sweet church lady in her mid-fifties who visits her mom daily at an assisted living home and runs a small children’s charity for one quarter of the year. I knew she’d been working on some dating apps. (She’s drop-dead…



Jen McGahan
Portals Pub

Curious mom, writer, & lymphatic massage therapist in Austin. “Lymph is everything.” Want more? Visit my website: Welcome in!