The Best and Worst Feedback You Can Get

Jen McGahan
Portals Pub
Published in
7 min readOct 16, 2020


What “I don’t get it” really means

Photo by Kevin Erdvig on Unsplash

As an entrepreneur, idea generator, or generally curious thinker (and hopefully not a copywriter); you’re going to hear occasionally: “I don’t get it.”

There are a few ways to take this. You can zoom out from yourself and see yourself as an oddball and pout. You can puff yourself up and take pride in it (thanks Apple) because it’s always “the crazy ones” that others don’t understand. You can shake your head in frustration by people who have no vision at all. You can go into isolation and just build the damn thing (maybe people will come). You can shrug your shoulders and say, “so what’s new?”

Square pegs develop a pretty thick skin after a certain number of years. (I heard that from a friend.)

I used to think it was the worst feedback you could get, because “I don’t get it” means your message lacks clarity. As a copywriter writing for clicks, clarity leads to success in the direct response/info-marketing world. Clicks mean “Oh yeah, I got that.”

No clicks mean, essentially, “I don’t get it.”

Here’s what “I don’t get it” really means

When someone gives you that blank look (or scratches their head in earnest; or looks over your shoulder, eyes glazed over; or…



Jen McGahan
Portals Pub

Curious mom, writer, & lymphatic massage therapist in Austin. “Lymph is everything.” Want more? Visit my website: Welcome in!