Local food with a Strange Twist you probably Never Heard Of

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2 min readFeb 4, 2018

Tired of the food you always eat at hawker centres? How about trying something different?…with a twist? Hmmm…

This is definitely not for the weak-hearted for sure. If you’re feeling bold and brave, you might want to try these unique local dishes that might just spruce up your taste buds and perhaps your next meal will be a lot more enticing!


Where to Porterfetch: Eminent Frog Porridge

Why you should try it: Traditional frog leg porridge again? Boring… The next time you’re at this frog porridge store, go for the chilli frog porridge instead of the usual. Go big or go home.


Where to Porterfetch: 126 Dim Sum Wen Dao Shi 搵到食

Why you should try it: Curry often goes well together with many dishes and possibly xiao long bao could be one them too. It’s definitely a dish worth trying where the curry will bring out a stronger flavor in the xiao long baos for sure. Mhmm.


Where to Porterfetch: Springleaf Prata Place

Why you should try it: We reckon it will probably taste as fanciful as it sounds. This is commonly found in pasta dishes. However, alfredo in prata is definitely unheard of so why not be different from the rest?


Where to Porterfetch: Alsalam Restaurant

Why you should try it: So you’ve heard of dishes that have chicken feet, chicken wings, chicken drumsticks but what about chicken liver? Cooked with masala, this actually smells and looks better than it sounds.


Where to Porterfetch: Old Chengdu Impressions 老成都印象

Why you should try it: As shocking as the name sounds, this dish is actually bull’s penis. You’ll only get to try this at Sichuan restaurants where they also serve quite an odd number of strange dishes that might leave you flabbergasted.

