Why Do Relationships Fail? 5 Ways Individual Relationship Counseling Can Help

Adriana Silva
Portefólio Adriana Silva
5 min readMay 5, 2024

Most of us dream of being in a successful and lasting relationship. However, the expectation vs. reality can be discouraging. Statistics show that in America 40 to 50% of first marriages end in divorce. But why do relationships fail?

Having a healthy relationship doesn’t happen automatically. It takes time, effort, and energy to grow. Navigating a relationship can be challenging and emotionally draining. That’s why many people seek counseling for relationship issues for guidance and support.

Individual relationship counseling offers a safe and supportive space to navigate these issues and develop healthier ways of relating to others and yourself.

Common Reasons Why Relationships Fail

Have you been through a breakup? Do you wonder why relationships fail? Or more specifically, why is your relationship failing? While every couple is unique, there are several reasons that can be involved.

The most common reasons are loss of trust, poor communication, different expectations and priorities, lack of respect, loss of intimacy, and even verbal, emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse.

As the relationship progresses beyond, what we commonly call the “honeymoon phase”, reality begins to take hold and couples start facing obstacles that may lead to a breakup or divorce.

What is Individual Relationship Counseling?

To understand and avoid relationship failure, many individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth through relationship counseling.

Individual relationship therapy focuses on helping you tackle relationship concerns and improve the quality of your connections with partners, family members, colleagues, friends, and yourself. It can be a powerful tool to resolve conflicts, overcome past traumas or emotional wounds, learn how to better communicate, and strengthen your relationships.

Unlike couples therapy, which centers on relationship dynamics and communication, individual relationship counseling focuses on you. It addresses your strengths, as well as unproductive behaviors, to empower you with new and healthier tools to connect with others and yourself.

Learn how individual relationship counseling can benefit your relationships and prevent them from failing.

5 Ways Individual Relationship Counseling Can Prevent Your Relationship From Failing

1. Improve your communication skills

Poor communication is one of the main reasons why relationships fail. Research shows that ineffective communication is a major cause of breakdowns in marriages.

When people in a relationship don’t talk openly and understand each other, misunderstandings and hard feelings tend to grow. Without good communication, even little things can turn into serious issues down the line, making it harder for the relationship to succeed.

Is is crucial for couples to establish a open and positive communication from the beginning of their relationship.

Individual relationship counseling can help you develop better communication skills. You will find a safe space to express your feelings and thoughts in a way that isn’t misunderstood and hurtful to others.

2. Learn to deal with conflict

No matter how good you believe your relationship is right now, there will be disagreement. And sometimes, those disagreements will turn into conflicts.

However, the real problem arises if you choose to avoid and ignore these conflicts. What might have been a simple disagreement can escalate and turn into a blowout fight.

A relationship therapist can help you manage disagreements constructively. During the counseling session, you will learn how to prevent your own disruptive triggers and communication patterns, become a better listener, and improve your emotional regulation skills.

Conflicts don’t have to signal the end of a relationship. Developing the ability to disagree while still showing respect for your partner is a valuable skill in any relationship.

3. Manage unrealistic expectations

When you expect too much from your partner and the relationship itself, you can be setting yourself up for a trap.

Unrealistic expectations can lead to a cycle of frustration and strain within a relationship, especially when we add them up to the poor communication we mention above. But hold on, there are ways you can break free from the cycle.

Individual relationship counseling offers you an opportunity to reflect and examine these harmful expectations. A relationship therapist will guide you through open and sincere dialogue to express your needs and relationship goals. By applying the skills and tools you learn, you can better align with your partner and build a stronger bond.

4. Work on unresolved individual issues

You may not realize how stressors, unresolved issues, and traumas from past relationships can spill over into your current relationships. The emotional residue from past hurts or the ongoing pressures of daily life can affect how you communicate, respond to conflicts, and express affection.

Individual relationship therapy can help you understand yourself and address personal challenges that may be contaminating the relationship.

When you see these patterns, you can start healing from the unresolved wounds and find alternatives to the unproductive behaviors, so you don’t repeat them in the future.

5. Gain a new perspective

Whenever you become clouded by your own biases, assumptions, and past experiences in a relationship, it’s good to seek a fresh perspective. Negative emotions and biases can impact how you interpret your partner’s actions, words, and intentions, resulting in more misunderstandings and conflicts.

Therapy acts as a lens through which you can gain a new perspective on your relationship.

This newfound awareness helps you view your relationship from a different angle and see your partner with more empathy and understanding. Through individual relationship counseling, you can safely examine your emotions while projecting healthy behaviors and goals into your relationship.

Individual Relationship Counseling in Baltimore, MD

Do you want to get in front of your problems and prevent your relationship from failing? Our relationship therapists in Baltimore can help you develop tools to communicate assertively and move toward the relationship you’ve been longing for.

Relationships are key to a happy and meaningful life. That’s why, at New Connections Counseling Center, we take a relational approach to therapy. We want to help you feel confident and safe in all your relationships — including, and most importantly, the one with yourself!

Through individual relationship therapy, you will reconnect with your needs and desires and explore what you want in a relationship. If you are ready to open up to real connections and relationships, we are here to help!

