Hey there. I’m Agnes

A Design Researcher and Experience Designer from Nairobi, Kenya

Aggie Ogallo
Portfolio: Agnes Ogallo


I have a love for bringing simplicity and clarity to complexity. This has drawn me towards design thinking as a problem-solving approach. At the Nairobi Design Institute, I learned how to bring together insights from users and practical knowledge from several disciplines to solve some of Africa’s most complex challenges.

I have worked across Eastern & Southern Africa on social impact projects around Waste Management, Sexual & Reproductive Health, Menstrual Health Management and Healthcare Data in Urban Slums.

Through these experiences, there are a couple of things I have come to firmly believe:

  • Human need is the place to start. There is no substitute for actively engaging people throughout a project
  • Talking to people is important. Not only to discover what their challenges are but also to get inspiration on how to solve them
  • When people interact with experiences, every contact they make influences whether they will come back or not

I get excited about opportunities to co-design experiences that exist in complex systems, bringing in experience and perspectives from different disciplines and employing a systems-thinking approach.

When I am not working, you can find me curled up with a novel, drinking a hot cup of tea or planning my next travelling adventure. Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of joy and energy from music in languages I don’t understand from around Africa.

Say hello! I’d love to chat

Email: hello@agnesogallo.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/agnesogallo

