Hello There

About Me

Francisco Inchauste
Francisco Inchauste


My name is Francisco Inchauste. I am a UX leader and design expert. I have worked with some of the best digital teams in the world, to help them design great experiences. I live in Michigan with my family and I love to travel.

A while back I had this super brilliant idea to take down all the pictures of things that I’ve made and just feature my writing — which in retrospect wasn’t so brilliant since it’s hard to keep up with a blog.

Anyway, it felt like just showing those images ignored the fact that I think a lot about design. In fact, I obsess about it sometimes; where it’s been and where it’s going…

So I wrote a lot

Some people noticed. And I was asked to write more and offer my thoughts on design. I’ve been interviewed for publications like Fast Company and been a co-author and technical editor for several books. I’m interested in all aspects of design: UX and Storytelling, Responsive Design, Our Future Interfaces, and Complexity in UI.

I’ve had help along the way

I can’t talk about my accomplishments without acknowledging the people who really made a difference in my career (and life). Many years ago I was in a job that left me feeling pretty uninspired — in fact, I nearly quit designing for a living.

Along came Smashing Magazine, which became a resource that refueled my passion for design. I could never have imagined that I would one day write anything good enough to be published on there, let alone be asked to be the UX editor.

Experiences like those are only possible because of others taking a chance on a nobody like me. So whenever I can, I try to pay it forward to others that have the potential and ambition.

I am so honored to have worked with and learned so much from the kind people at Smashing and many previous colleagues at other jobs. And of course, I learn every day from my friends and colleagues.

Show me the money

Ok, I get it. You’re here to see some of my work and get an idea if I have the UX leadership/design/strategy chops that could be right for your next product or a role at your company.

I’ve seen a lot in my career and I’m always ready to learn more. Below are links and overviews to a few case studies that I have published here:

SpatialKey: I was the UX Lead on SpatialKey for around four years. It is a data visualization platform that geolocates most types of organization datasets. I have helped evolve it from a few demo visualizations into a full product. SpatialKey has found its niche in the insurance industry to help visualize the impact of hurricanes, tornados, and floods, on insured properties. SpatialKey continues to grow with much of the foundational design I helped create.

Rise Alarm Clock: This is a side project, through Simplebots, that I initiated due to my frustration with the stock iOS alarm on the iPhone. After a long search I found that most alarm apps use the common time dial component and focus on aesthetics over simplicity. A friend and I decided to create a simple alarm clock app that was designed for touchscreen (one of the first.) It was very well received. We have thousands of customers around the globe that use our app daily.

I’m just getting started

I’m currently working for InVision, helping to build a premiere suite of apps for the growing space of design systems, including a first of its kind tool for creating and managing design tokens.

With this comes many interesting challenges and new opportunities. I feel fortunate to be working in such an exciting space with a chance to impact so many amazing design teams across the world.

Reach out and say hi. I’d love to chat.



Francisco Inchauste
Francisco Inchauste

Designer, writer, and wrangler of smaller versions of myself.