Hi, I am Natália…

Natalia Franciele
Natalia Franciele
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2018

A transdisciplinary UX Designer studying and working for about 10 years to collaborate in research, ideation, information architecture, interaction and interface design of digital products.

So sweet and so strong. ♀


I was born and live in Brazil, one of the most multicultural countries on the planet, in a family that stimulated me to be curious and questioning all the time. At six, when I started kindergarten, I already knew how to read — it was my father who taught me, so I ended up taking the extra time to help my classmates learn to read as well. This has contributed so much that from an early age I saw how valuable is the ability to put yourself in the other’s shoes and how much it enriches human relations.

I kept this concern for perception enhancement throughout my educational background and believe this was some of the reasons why I chose to be a Designer. The Design field has always inspiring to me because, even from the beginning, it allowed me to visit and interconnect different areas of knowledge with the aim of solve the most diverse issues.

Today, as a professional, I usually maintain the ability to adapt to different contexts so I can study and understand them before beginning the process of ideation and prototyping. This clearly differentiates the quality of deliveries from the teams I work with. As a member or leader, my goal is constantly stimulate relevant questions to the business and the real utility of the solutions we are developing.

Even though there is still a lot to learn and connect, I believe that the combination of different Design Methods, a 10-year experience working with clients from a wide range of segments and my deep interest in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience can contribute significantly to bring life to great products around the world.

You can email me at anataliafranciele@gmail.com or connect via LinkedIn.
I’m always open (and curious) to meet and talk to other people.

Thanks for passing by!

- Nat



Natalia Franciele
Natalia Franciele

A curious and transdisciplinary designer who graduated in Digital Communication and is currently specializing in Behavioral Neuroscience.