The Real Reason you should have an Online Portfolio

Martijn van den Broeck
Rethink your Design Portfolio
4 min readSep 9, 2015


Portfolio Principles Week 01. First appeared in my mail list.

This episode is part of a series called Portfolio Principles. In this series, I help people to build a more effective portfolio. Get weekly portfolio building tips.
All opinions my own.

Blood, sweat and tears. Days, become weeks. Weeks become months. You are getting fed up with your portfolio. Still, you are hopeful. You think that sending away your portfolio to companies will get you a job.

But somehow it doesn’t. You keep sending away your portfolio, but for some reason you are not even getting any responses.
Hope turns into disappointment.

“Why is this happening to me? What am I doing wrong?”
I think this is happening because you are using your portfolio ineffectively.

I think that your portfolio can have more impact on your career than it has now. That’s why I am starting a new series: Portfolio Principles. In this series, I do my best to share every ounce of knowledge I have to help you create a more effective online portfolio.

Because I think that your portfolio can have more impact on your career than it has now, I am starting a new series: Portfolio Principles.

The potential of the Web

The world wide web offers you a huge opportunity. Every day, billions of people from all around the world tune into the web. Young people, old people. People in your industry, people outside of your industry. People that look up to you and people you look up to.

Everyone on the web can impact your career. One visitor might have a friend in your industry. Another might be trying to solve a similar problem as you are. Maybe someone is recruiting a person with your skills.

In this goldmine you get to claim your own space. Your portfolio is not just like any other space on the web, it is your space. You are the creator. You get to decide what people see, think and how they feel. You can make sure your portfolio impacts your career.

Why your strategy is ineffective

Your strategy of sending your portfolio directly to companies in ineffective. Why? Because everybody else is doing the same. That’s why you are nothing more than a number to these companies. You are portfolio number #143 of that day. More importantly by doing so you are also ignoring the potential of the web.

You are ignoring your visitors for the same reason as companies are ignoring you. They are just numbers to you. The only proof of their existence are your Google Analytics stats. However, behind every number is a person. A person that can give you an opportunity.

You are ignoring your visitors for the same reason as companies are ignoring you. They are just numbers to you.

If you are expecting your portfolio visitors to impact your career, you should start to see them as people first.

Unleash the potential of your Portfolio

If you want people to impact your career you should start building relationships with them. Go to conferences, be involved in discussions and have a portfolio.

Here lies the potential of a portfolio. You can use your portfolio as a tool to build and strengthen your network of followers.

You can make sure that you don’t just get on people’s radar, but you stay there. Your portfolio can turn visitors into followers. Like that person you met at the conference who visits your portfolio for the first time. Your old high school teacher, who wonders what you are up to. Or that visitor who landed on your portfolio by Googling you school’s name.

Whereas visitors represent numbers, followers represent people. These are not just random people. Followers are the people that believe in you. Why? Because they have seen you struggle, they have seen you succeed. They have seen you grow over time. You are more than a number to them. You are a person.

Whereas visitors represent numbers, followers represent people.

That’s why followers give you opportunities. You can engage with them. You can ask them for help. You can learn from them.

Followers impact your career.

This episode is part of a series called Portfolio Principles. In this series, I help people to build a more effective portfolio. Get weekly portfolio building tips.

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Martijn van den Broeck
Rethink your Design Portfolio

Designer at Google Chrome for iOS - Interned at IDEO - Umeå Institute of Design Alumni