About me

Sanket Pathak
Sanket Pathak | UX Portfolio
2 min readDec 19, 2016
No, no; I wasn’t really clicking any photo ;) I do have some decent clicks on Instagram though!

Hi there. I’m Sanket — a Product Designer, currently working with Postman, Bangalore.

I love the diversity in terms of experiences and the work that I do.

I grew up in Mumbai thinking I would be able to do everything from flying a plane, act in a movie to running a big company. Although that didn’t happen, I surely carried the curiosity to explore everything that interests me. My career timeline is the proof of that.

I was in the second year of my graduation, when I realized that the education I was getting was not really up to date and it would bore me to death. That’s when I decided to pursue my post-grad education from the University of Experience.

I was fortunate enough to have found an organization like Petal Apps to begin my career with. It was a small agency based in Mumbai where I was given a freedom to explore various departments. I feel proud to say that I was leading the same organization when I left the company. We shut down the service business and got into a product after that. Yet another startup opportunity to do everything that a company needs to do — from development, design, marketing, HR and what not. Everyday — would bring a new set of problems to solve that I had no experience in before.

After 3 and half years of experience, I looked back to connect all the dots and found out that I enjoyed being a leader, interacting with people, learning about new domains and solving the problems. User Experience Design was the only field that offered me to do what I like as well as what I was good at. The package came with such a diversity in nature, it felt the most obvious choice.

If you’ll ask me how I stand out from rest of the designers, I would say that I’m a designer who can speak a language of not just design, but also — development, business, sales and marketing.

So, that was my quick intro. I’m glad you stumbled upon my website. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to know more about me. Do check my UI work on Dribbble and connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

