Portis by ShapeShift to Participate in ETHDenver 2021

Participating? Get an edge by developing with portis.io

4 min readFeb 1, 2021


Come get your spork on!

In early February, developers and enthusiasts of Ethereum-based decentralized applications (DApps) will visit Denver virtually from around the world to participate in the ETHDenver and Colorado Jam Innovation Festival & BUIDLathon, 2021. ETHDenver, held between February 5–12, is arguably one of the most important Ethereum conferences in the world; this year, its “Year of the Spork Marmot” edition will be completely virtual, featuring virtual castles hosted by sponsors and BUIDLathons and workshops for participants.

Throughout the week, developers will vie to build creative, innovative, useful, efficient, and/or fun DApps. One thing almost all will likely want to achieve is a user-friendly experience to earn better scores and higher user adoption. Portis by ShapeShift is a Meta Sponsor; and, one of the fastest ways to create an easy, seamless user experience is by developing with Portis (and read about our $100 bounty for integrating with Portis below!).

Portis: Seamless for developers, easy for end-users

One hurdle users encounter when using DApps is that there is too much friction in the way: they must install a third-party application on their device before they can even begin to use the DApp and store their private key on the device. Storing keys locally not only increases risks from a security perspective, but it is also inconvenient, time-consuming, and uncomfortable to new users not accustomed to DApps.

Each extra step your app throws in the user’s path is yet another opportunity for them to check out of the process before they get to see the innovation created.

The Portis SDK has brought ease, convenience, and security to everyday users. Portis is a standard web3 provider that comes pre-bundled in the DApp — developers only need to add a few lines of code to integrate the SDK, and then users can enjoy a built-in wallet in their existing browser without needing to install anything, while still maintaining absolute control over their private key (Portis never stores the user’s unencrypted private key on its servers).

With Portis’s end-to-end encryption architecture (read our white paper), users enjoy a friendly cloud experience and can access the same account on all of their devices using a familiar email and password flow. Fewer roadblocks, fewer opportunities to check out of the process, higher adoption rates.

In addition to the Ethereum mainnet, testnet, and the Goerli network, Portis supports a long list of EVM compatible blockchains (Matic, POA, ThunderCore, Ubiq, and xDai), as well as BTC (more info). With features like “Trust this App,” “Gas Relay,” “Change Network,” and “Direct Purchase” developers can take their UX to the level users are accustomed to.

It’s easy to learn how to develop with Portis — watch our quick tutorials:

Developers and Ethereum pros know and understand the underlying technology. At Portis, our goal is to enable developers to build DApps that ensure users don’t have to. Our SDK is designed to enable DApps to provide users with the same easy, accessible interface they are used to with other applications. Check out some of the great apps built with our SDK or see the apps live at our App Store!

What’s Next for Portis.io?

The Ethereum landscape is constantly evolving, and we want to make sure developers building with Portis always have access to cutting-edge capabilities. DeFi is hot right now, and for good reason — Ethereum’s greatest promise has always been “programmable money.” Decentralized exchanges like Uniswap (which integrates with Portis as well) are already showing greater trading volumes than flagship centralized exchanges like CoinBase.

Robin Who?

However, until ETH2.0 is fully deployed, gas fees on those platforms remain too costly, preventing them from reaching their full potential. Thankfully, other teams like StarkWare have been hard at work at building solutions like ZK-Rollup, which powers scalable, self-custodial transactions, and DEXes have been quick to integrate them. We also believe that scalability is a prerequisite for mainstream adoption and are in the process of supporting those protocols, automatically opening up those capabilities to any DApp which integrates Portis.

Show Us What You’ve Got! Build with Portis and Earn $100USD in ETH

Developers have many reasons to develop with Portis at the ETHDenver Hackathon, as we’ve just discussed, including the incredible advantages of ease and simplicity for you and your users. But we will add another:

Integrate Portis into your project, and you will earn $100USD in ETH!

Additionally, the top three DApps our judges deem to be the most innovative, user-friendly, and which demonstrate mainstream appeal and the best use of blockchain technology will be featured in a Portis blog and may earn a spot in our App Store.

🛠️ Resources

  1. SDK GitHub: The Portis SDK source code.
  2. Documentation: Instructions on how to embed Portis into your DApp, and your guide for all the various useful configurations you have at your disposal when you’re developing with Portis.
  3. UX Guidelines: Building on the blockchain raises new and interesting UX and technical challenges. We put together a list of what we believe to be best practices when building DApps designed to be human-friendly.
  4. White Paper: Wonder how our E2E works? Let’s get technical!

Need Help? Get in Touch

Our team is standing by to answer all of your questions, listen to your feedback, and write down your suggestions! Find us on our Telegram channel or on Twitter.

Happy coding!

The Portis Team

