Does a coworking space have to be female-focused for a woman to feel empowered?

Joana Duque
Porto i/o
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2020
( Part of our beautiful female community @ Porto i/o)

Nowadays, more and more female-focused coworking spaces are opening around the world. Each of them has a luxurious eye-catchy design and unique facilities: from breastfeeding rooms, beauty salons and nursery at The Coven Minneapolis to workout studio and meditation area at The Wing Dumbo NYC.

All these projects appear to us as beautiful and full of purpose, but does it mean that women can’t feel as comfortable in mixed-gender spaces?

Let’s take a look at the Portuguese reality.

There are no female-dedicated spaces in Portugal (just yet). Based on the studies conducted by our Cowork Buzz team in 2019, 40% of all coworkers in the country are women. And hey, there is a room for growth, isn’t it?

For instance, at our Porto i/o spaces, the number of women has increased from 23% to 42% over the last three years.

Curious about the demographic changes, we dragged our female-coworkers for a chat and discovered their opinion on the matter.

Coworking vs home-office: why would women choose the first?

The biggest reason seems to be unanimous: feeling lonely when working at home. Whether wanting to build friendships or to gain new clients, socializing is a solid motive to join a new environment.

Celina, a civil engineer and mother of two kids, spent four years working from home. Since she has joined our coworking space, Porto i/o Seaside became her escape from an old daily routine, bringing a sense of independence and fulfilment into her life.

Jin, coming from Malaysia, joined a coworking space to create local friendships easily and not feel alone in a new city.

Ana and Jessica, working together at MarzeeLabs web agency, see coworking as one of the most significant opportunities to learn from other professionals in the industry.

Many female coworkers mention that joining a space was a decision of investment in their mental health. It led to a more balanced lifestyle as well as happier and lighter mood during the day.

Think about it, whether you are a civil engineer, designer or a programmer, whether you work remotely, have your own company or freelance, the community of a coworking space can become the number one support system needed to thrive professionally. That is why we have chosen to be community-driven since day one.

Challenge #1: how to fit in?

Sometimes, people get concerned about fitting in the environment of an already existing coworking space. So we’ve discovered a list of top 5 things that help female coworkers feel more comfortable and welcomed:

  • A positive and supportive atmosphere;
  • An active, gender-balanced community;
  • Good amenities and clean spaces;
  • Being welcomed on the same level, no matter the gender;
  • Co-organised common activities for smoother connections (both professional and informal).

Some female-coworkers mentioned that having women in the coworking management team eliminates any gender-related concerns when joining a space. Well, we can’t lie, hearing this makes us even prouder to have a 90% female team. While making sure to create the right inclusive atmosphere across our five spaces and provide an outstanding experience, our team is the first one to feel the spirit of encouragement and support by our community.

Coworking spaces can, indeed, help women thrive.

(at Porto i/o Downtown coworking. Ana Paula Rossetto, Head of Business at Marzee Labs)

To understand how coworking spaces can better support females, we asked these wonderful women for direct suggestions.

If you are thinking about where to start, the facilities would be the right choice. Having a comfortable chill-out area to relax is a must. Of course, you can get more creative than that. For instance, working moms have a common necessity in bringing kids to the office for a short time, so a dedicated playroom can be an exciting option. It would be a hit among adults as well, just make sure to install a game console. Trust us — we speak of experience! 😀

Secondly, think about some exclusive extras like massages, or having a partnership with nearby reliable salons. Intimate hygiene products available for free in the bathroom can also make a nice touch.

Yet, space and services are not everything.

Make sure to encourage women by organizing collective initiatives, discussing issues beyond just professional matters. Events with other female coworkers and moments of sharing will make the magic of empowerment happen naturally. At the end, when the community is strong, the positive impact is inevitable.

So does a coworking space have to be female-focused for a woman to feel empowered after all?

We believe what matters is having a place where everyone feels at their best, no matter the gender. No doubt that having women-dedicated spaces creates extraordinary experiences, yet the right atmosphere and space setup, a robust community with an encouraging spirit can be enough for any woman or man to thrive. 😀

To all our female coworkers at Porto i/o, and to those around the world that we haven’t met yet, we wish you a happy International Women’s Day!

Thrive and shine bright, because you can!

PS — A very special thank you to our wonderful ladies at Porto i/o for sharing your stories and ideas with us.

PPS — We would love to hear more ideas on how to ensure that a coworking space can empower its coworkers. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 😀

