🇺🇸 [lalilo] Thomas

Armance Lalilo
2 min readMay 17, 2019

Lalilo shines light on the extraordinary work its team members do. Meet Thomas, Data Scientist at Lalilo.

What are you doing at Lalilo’s? Since when?
I have been a Data Scientist at Lalilo for one year now :) It means that I dive into all the data we have at Lalilo (e.g student answers) and try to extract as much information as possible from it. It allows Lalilo to tailor the exercises we give to students according to their needs.

What kind of student were you?
Very far in the back of the classroom, never asking questions, not working much, doing well in science-related subjects, not so well in language-related ones. I would have liked classes going faster and further in science-related courses, but it wasn’t easy for the teacher of a heterogeneous class of 36 students. After high school I enjoyed much more the intensity of the French classes préparatoires, and liked learning and working hard.

What do you like most about Lalilo?
Kindness, trust, working for something that matters.

Why did you want to work in Edtech?
I want to work for a company that has a positive impact on society, and I believe Edtech -and especially Lalilo- is exactly the place for that.

What do you think needs to change in education? Why/How?
The goal should be to enable every pupil to reach their full potential with no students bored or left behind. I believe two of the main methods to achieve it are :

  • Peer tutoring at all ages and more collaborative learning in general
  • Digital technology as it provides instantaneous feedback and allows students to work at their own pace

Would you have liked to be a teacher? If so, what subject would you have liked to teach?
Actually, I may be a math teacher one day once I have finished my Ph.D. :)

