🇺🇸 [teacher] Amanda

Lilo Lalilo
3 min readApr 22, 2019

Lalilo is interviewing outstanding educators in order to shine light on the extraordinary work they do each day. Meet Amanda, Reading Specialist in Indiana :)

What kind of student were you?
I was a good student. I was well-behaved and never missed school. I was actually friends with many of my teachers and looked up to them. It’s part of why I wanted to be a teacher.

If you could change anything in education, what would it be?
It would definitely be the politicians who are trying to destroy public education. It would be nice to have people who were advocates for our children like teachers are. Also, teacher pay is a huge issue at the moment. Other careers with college degrees are justly compensated. Here in Indiana, teachers are at the bottom out of all 50 states for teacher raises. We shouldn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck because we love to teach kids.

If you could talk an hour with the Secretary of State for Education, what would you discuss?
I would ask her why she wants to destroy public schools and continue giving money to failing charter schools.

What needs to change in Education?
Teachers need to be given respect. Too often we are blamed for a child’s performance, when other factors aren’t considered — home life, disabilities, poverty, etc. Parents have an obligation as well and need to be more involved.

How did you become a teacher?
I’ve always enjoyed being around children. I baby-sat starting when I was 15. I didn’t know I wanted to be a teacher until I was in high school. No one else in my family was a teacher so I am the first. I definitely knew I was meant to be a teacher after working with my first class. I relate better with children than many adults.

Did you ever work another job?
Yes, I’ve had a few jobs before I became a teacher. I worked at Wal-Mart after I graduated college. I wasn’t able to find a teaching job right away. It wasn’t my dream job but it is where I met my now husband. I worked there for two years before getting my first teaching job.

Why did you want to become a teacher?
I’ve always had a knack for teaching others. It comes easy to me. I also love being around kids. It is very rewarding to guide them and see their growth. I also love the relationships I build with the students.

What do you like the most in being a teacher?
What I love most about teaching is the relationships I get to make with the kids and the satisfaction I get from helping them.

What grade do you prefer teaching?
I love working with all the grades. As a reading teacher, I currently work with grades 1 to 5. Each grade level is unique and has be working with all grades, I can see the students progress throughout the years.

Any fun fact about Lalilo you’d like to share?
I’ve been using Lailo with my students since last year and I love every change that is added. My students love them too!

