🇺🇸 [teacher] Kyle

Lilo Lalilo
3 min readApr 22, 2019

Lalilo is interviewing outstanding educators in order to shine light on the extraordinary work they do each day. Meet Kyle, Kindergarten Facilitator in Iowa :)

What kind of student were you?
Distracted. I was talkative, the student who talked to everyone. I also struggled with reading and writing when I was young.

If you could change anything in education, what would it be?
To make it more interactive. Learning is doing, kids need to be doing.

If you could talk an hour with the Secretary of State for Education, what would you discuss?
I would talk about the direction education is heading in our country. I would also like to know why we are putting such a large influence on standardized tests. I would talk to her about the amazing benefits and potential of Project Based Learning, STEM.

How did you become a teacher?
I first went to Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. I started working towards my degree in Elementary Education. Then, through a combination of being afraid to teach, and not being prepared to be a teacher, I changed my degree. After I graduated from Simpson, I worked in a law firm for a year. It didn’t take long until I realized that I missed an opportunity to be a teacher. I started attending night classes at Upper Iowa University, and changed my focus from Elementary Education to Early Childhood with Special Education. After I graduated, I was fortunate to get hired as a special education preschool teacher. Then 4 years ago I started to teach kindergarten.

Did you ever work another job?
I worked respite care with children with special needs. I worked in a law firm as a courier. Over the summer I was a site director at Day Camp Adventures, which is a summer day camp.

Why did you want to become a teacher?
I think it was mostly because of my personal issues with school. Even though I had amazing teachers growing up, I didn’t always enjoy school. So I wanted to try and help those who struggle in school, and help them have a better experience.

What do you like the most in being a teacher?
When kids are laughing and participating in class. I love it when they are able to have fun, but still be active learners.

What grade do you prefer teaching?
Kindergarten / early childhood.

What is the best Father’s day or Mother’s day gift you created?
I took an individual picture of each child, then glued it onto a canvas (bought pretty cheaply from a local art store) then the students (with assistance) hot glued the crayons of their choice above the picture. I protected the picture with painters tape and plastic wrap then allowed the children to use a hair dryer to melt the crayons letting them drip down the canvas. It turned out to look pretty cool.

Any fun fact about Lalilo you’d like to share?
I love what it is like, and am excited to see where it can go.

