Nanny Knits For A Good Cause

Portsmouth Cares
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2020

Angie Dixon, 65, worked in a charity shop after retiring, so has always been happy to lend a helping hand to the community. However, when she had to stop helping out in charity shops, Angie found herself looking for something hto fill her time with.

Her older sister Brenda had two premature children, so this was a cause Angie had always held close to her heart. She decided that she would put her skills in knitting to use and knit hats for premature babies at the local hospital.

Not only does it help fill her spare time, but it also is good for keeping hands moving to keep joint disorders such as arthritis at bay.

Of course the hospital staff were more than happy to accept the donations, and Angie feels as though she is spending her retirement in the best way possible- helping out the community in her own little way.

