Ana Margarida Trigo, Researcher @ Bosch and University of Minho, ExCom @ IEEE PT

PWIT Profile

Portuguese Women in Tech
3 min readJan 23, 2019


Early years and where you came from?

I was inspired in my childhood by my father (production engineer) to enjoy math and engineering. For me joining the tech world was the logic path to follow and I started the Electronics and Computer Engineering course at the University of Minho.

How were you introduced to the world of the Portuguese tech industry?

I remember to feel surprised and sad when I started my course. I just had 1 female colleague. Since then, I started to realize that the tech industry will be lacking of female engineers. I was right, unfortunately. Society should be aware of the benefits of diversity and we should all promote it.

Walk me through your work and what you are doing now in the tech industry.

I am doing my PhD on Advanced Engineering Systems for Industry program at the University of Minho and Bosch. My work is based on Smart Autonomous Mobile Units. Besides my PhD I am a volunteer on IEEE and I belong to IEEE WiE (Women in Engineering) affinity group. I do talks about engineering as a profession to pre-university students. And I love to see the reactions of girls when they find out what engineering truly is.

What part of what you do, you love the most?

“I change the world. I am an engineer.” — for me, technology is the best way to have an impact in the world.

How do you think that your background and knowledge impact the way you approach your work in the Portuguese tech industry?

Electronic and computer engineering is one course that facilitates your entry in the workforce. You’re seen as a little genius. Just love that feeling.

What advice do you have for young women that want to get into tech and don’t know where to start?

There are several groups that you can talk with and ask for opinions for your particular case. Tech is a very big world and is so much more than programming… It will be my pleasure to talk with you and try to find out the help you need!

Walk me through a day in your life as a Portuguese women in tech.

My typical day starts at 6:30am, I do the normal wake up things and then I go to the gym. I’m a morning person so, while doing exercise I start to plan my day. Then I go to wherever I have to go and start transforming caffeine into products (🤦‍♀️).

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.”
Finishing my course was a hell of a moment. I felt rewarded for my efforts and resilience. For believing in me. It was my 1st achieved goal in a men’s environment. I told myself in that day: “You will not stop to improve yourself. You will always believe in you. You will inspire others through your actions and show you can do whatever you want.”

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Google, google, google… IEEEXplore, Gmail, Spotify, Instagram …

You can find Margarida Trigo on Medium.



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