Mafalda Ricca, CEO

Portuguese Women in Tech
2 min readNov 18, 2020

Early years and where you came from?

5 Business Developer at KidZania Theme Park, 5 Years as Head of Sales and Marketing Manager at Gema Digital and now founder and CEO at X-Plora

How were you introduced to the world of the Portuguese tech industry?

By social media

Walk me through your work and what you are doing now in the tech industry.

I am founder and CEO of a start-up that got seed funding 1 year ago to launch X-Plora Multimedia Guides that is a groundbreaking guide that provides customized content based on the user’s location, profile, and interests — offering an interactive and immersive experience through rich content, powerful storytelling, and engaging gamification.

What part of what you do, you love the most?

To achieve our milestones on super features that will conquer the world and to do it together with my dream team.

How do you think that your background and knowledge impact the way you approach your work in the Portuguese tech industry?

I’ve been working with creative technology for 12 years now, with the projects that have succeeded thanks to tech solutions so I believe that sharing my ideas with this community will definitely bring more synergies to the industry.

What advice do you have for young women that want to get into tech and don’t know where to start?

Find something that you love to do and then look at technology as your magic powders to get into a formula that will help to innovate and to bring something amazing to the world

Walk me through a day in your life as a Portuguese women in tech.

I wake up every day happy to go to one of my passions in life and I have a quick meeting of planning with our production Team to have an update about our product development status and about the deliveries that we have to our clients. Then I do some everyday search on the internet about news on this area, I read my newspapers and newsletters, and I start to have my meetings and to work on the achievement of our business strategy.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Focus on the development of your product (and don’t diversify on this issue). Deliver to your clients the benefits of your product to their business and not only some incredible features!

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

CNN, Intagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Pipedrive, Basecamp, Instagantt ,

Any links that you want to share? In what are you working on…

X-Plora: Benfica case study

👉Find Mafalda on LinkedIn



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