Marta Pereira, Head of Marketing

Portuguese Women in Tech
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

Early years and where you came from?

I come from a suburban town near Porto, and my relentless curiosity about the world made me start studying International Relations. After studying and working abroad, I stumbled into tech and now I don’t want to leave!

How were you introduced to the world of the Portuguese tech industry?

It was 2012 and we were amidst a grave financial crisis. I was getting a Masters's degree in International Economics when I found my first job in a digital content publisher, in Sales. This was when I started to open my eyes to the inner workings of the internet business and developed a special interest in researching digital trends.

Walk me through your work and what you are doing now in the tech industry.

As Head of Marketing at BySide, I need to understand market trends and make sure that our products (two marketing and communication platforms) are aligned with market needs and build our brands by developing communication that makes these solutions accessible and appealing to their audiences in the B2B market.

What part of what you do, you love the most?

Working in an industry that never stops, with constant innovation, challenge, and competition!

How do you think that your background and knowledge impact the way you approach your work in the Portuguese tech industry?

I believe that, as with many other industries in the country, the Portuguese tech industry lacks its own brands. We are capable of being more than just a low-cost software house. I believe my “non-IT” academic background, together with a love for reading and writing and curiosity for research and innovation make a difference when it’s time to communicate the value of our technology.

What advice do you have for young women that want to get into tech and don’t know where to start?

Be curious and confident and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not fit for the job. There are many different roles and a million opportunities to learn.

Walk me through a day in your life as a Portuguese women in tech.

First things first: I start my day by having breakfast with my family! Work starts at 9 am with a stand-up meeting with other members of the company’s senior management. Then I say hi to the team and get on with my to-do list, which has many different tasks related to our Marketing roadmap. I’m a very “hands-on” person and I believe that leadership is more than team coordination — you need to get your hands dirty and do the job: research, write, plan, review. I might meet with other stakeholders for specific projects, either internal (engineering, operations, sales) or external (agencies). I report directly to the CEO, so we also meet to align needs and expectations, and share results.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t expect others to behave like you would, in any situation.

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Currently… Zoom and Basecamp!

Any links that you want to share? In what are you working on…

I started this role in September and we’re working on a revamp of our SMB brand, Bytalk, and a complete rebrand of the corporate brand, BySide.

👉Find Marta on LinkedIn



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