Violeta Malheiro Swart, Alliances Manager at Unbabel

PWIT Profile

Portuguese Women in Tech
2 min readJan 25, 2019


Early years and where you came from?

Born and raised in Lisbon with diplomatic parents who moved every 4 years.

How were you introduced to the world of the Portuguese tech industry?

When I started working for Uniplaces.

Walk me through your work and what you are doing now in the tech industry.

Supporting the aggressive ecosystem growth, integration strategy and significantly impacting commercial growth via key partner relationships.

What part of what you do, you love the most?

Being the middle-woman between all the teams from product to marketing to sales to partners!

How do you think that your background and knowledge impact the way you approach your work in the Portuguese tech industry?

Having worked for a couple of startups I have a clear perspective of what the Portuguese tech industry is all about and I’m able to bring that knowledge to my work.

What advice do you have for young women that want to get into tech and don’t know where to start?

Find a company that is a good fit for your beliefs and where you feel at home! I always get sad when the weekend comes around…

Walk me through a day in your life as a Portuguese women in tech.

6.30 am wake up call, go to the gym, at the office at 8 am where I usually bring home made food as I love to cook. I love to be the first one in the office and get ahead before everyone else. Manage my emails and respond to anything pending whilst the first comers start to come to the office. Make myself a healthy breakfast ahead of a busy day of meetings. Finish the day listening to “How I built this” podcast on my way home where I snuggle my chocolate lab and make something amazing for dinner for my husband and I.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Do not suffer in anticipation!

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Wunderlist, slack,

Find Violeta on Linkedin.



Portuguese Women in Tech

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