Mining Program Bi-weekly Update #2 (2021/7/16~7/31)

Poseidon Network
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2021

The Mining Program phase5 has been running for 5 weeks, and network resources have grown substantially over the past two weeks. Additionally, QL v0.3.1 was released. Fixed an issue relating to the execution of commands. QQQ APP v1.29 has been upgraded to improve the user experience and fix the front-end information displayed.

Launched mining explorer beta for public, which shows mining status, current network resources, demand usage, revenue information, as well as hardware details, and IP location.


QLauncher update

We released QLauncher v0.3.1. Fixed an issue relating to the execution of commands. Because mining devices growth repidly in past 2 weeks, we temporarily stop new mining devices joining, aims to update system and expand our services, so new mining devices are not available to join testnet recently. It’s working now.

We also plan to release new version next week, for optimizing the network usage and trying fixed some previous issues.

QQQ APP update

QQQ APP v1.29 has been upgraded to improve UI and fix the front-end information error. With this update, QQQ miners will be notified if the QLauncher stops working on their devices.

Mining Explorer Launched

We released the beta version of our mining explorer. It displayed all network resource what we has aggregated and how many files we stored. For more detail, please read

🌐・Network resource

In the Mining Explorer snapshot of 21:00 1st August, there are 290 mining devices within the network, 110 more than 16 days ago, or a 62% increase; the number of miners has increased by 24 (18%) as well.

We have improved device reliability and optimized network resources. The amount of shared storage and stored files has significantly increased over the last two weeks. Total shared storage has grown by 39.6% to 535 TB across 290 devices across 14 countries.


Discord server growth — Discord member : 348 (+110) , +51%

Discord community continues to grow. According to the latest statistics, there were 348 on August 1st, an increase of 110 compared to July 15, which is 51% more.

Discord Miner Community

To reward active miners who are beneficial for long-term development, we created multiple roles and incentive on discord. By completing suggested tasks, you’ll get xp to unlock better roles, gain community coin (Qcoin). It can be exchanged for actual rewards or souvenirs.

Top active miner

  • jjchang#9920
    Detail the node settings, point out any problems, and locate the issue; at the same time, assist others to solve their problem, and provide a comprehensive explanation. Creating positive discussions is one of his strengths.
  • kongqi#9576
    He documented the issue he found, actively searched for solutions, and presented those details to us in a clear, concise document, saving our R&D department valuable time for locating problems and manual adjustments.
  • pawelpwg#1372
    Provide suggestions based on the current testnet. In addition to answering questions, he creates a good discussion atmosphere.

✨・Stay in the loop



Poseidon Network

World’s first operational decentralized Content Acceleration Network.