Monthly Recap July. 2021

July was another progressful month for Poseidon Network, total 300 mining devices from 14 counties joined testnet. The community has created various memes and introdeced Poseidon to others.

Poseidon Network
4 min readAug 5, 2021


Mining Program Bi-weekly Update #1

We mentioned the current status of the testnet in the first Bi-weekly update in July. As of July 16, 179 devices from 11 countries had been aggregated. We adjusted file transmission method, accelerated resource allocation, and fixed Github Issues summited by miners, improved information display in QQQ App, and created #faq channel for miners.

Mining Explorer Launched

We released the beta version of our mining explorer. It displayed all network resource what we has aggregated and how many files we stored.

The ranking of mining devices is sorted by 7-day total income, and it provides information about each miner, including income, hardware, and shared resources etc. This explorer allows you to search for the mining device you owned. You can find your mining devices by clicking the filter icon and type your QL ID in filter values.

Discord Miner Community

We have released a level system on discord server, aims to reward active users who are benefit for our long-term development. High-energy and very engaged miners will receive corresponding rewards and privilege.

By completing different tasks, you can get xp to unlock higher roles, gain discord tokens (Qcoins). It can be exchanged for actual rewards or souvenirs. Details can be found on #🏰・task-board . Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions you may have.

Mining Program Bi-weekly Update #2

The Mining Program phase5 has been running for 5 weeks, and network resources have grown substantially over the past two weeks. Additionally, QL v0.3.1 was released. Fixed an issue relating to the execution of commands. QQQ APP v1.29 has been upgraded to improve the user experience and fix the front-end information displayed.

QAS Profit sharing

Accumulated distribution — 300,000 * 7 = 2,100,000 QQQ

2021.07.01 Continue to trial the QAS profit sharing mechanism, with a total amount of 300,000 QQQ; all those who have deposited QAS to the official QQQ APP before June.30 23:29, and have not been transferred anytime before July 31, 2021 23:59, are eligible to participate in the current month’s profit sharing.

QQQ App Update

QQQ APP v1.29 has been upgraded to improve UI and fix the front-end information error. With this update, QQQ miners will be notified if the QLauncher stops working on their devices.

Community — Article , Meme , Tweet

All types of content are welcome. Last 2 weeks in July, our twitter received more attention than before due to the community’s efforts and work 🥳

Install Linux VM on Synology NAS

Our community member share the setting about how to create Linux environment on your NAS.

Poseidon Meme created by @Nilendra

@Nilendra created several meme about Poseidon Network. We’re glad to have this creative members. You can find his work on our discord #meme channel

Retweet by @Cryptohan

We were fortunate to have Cryptohan as one of our early members. He’s an NFT enthusiast and has a YouTube channel where he shares information about how to play Axie Infinity and how to invest in crypto.

Find Poseidon Network in his video :))

Mining screenshot shared on Twitter

We’re running task to reward those who are willing to share mining screenshot. Thanks for your sharing :))

Thanks for you paying attention to updates and support. We are continuing to improve the application and optimize resource utilization, and we’ll keep based on current aggregated resources. Stay tuned to Poseidon Network’s social media for many exciting news.

Official account| Medium , Facebook , Twitter

Community| Discord , Telegram (En)



Poseidon Network

World’s first operational decentralized Content Acceleration Network.