Services that Distributed Computing Can Provide — Disney+ Free Trial!

Poseidon Network
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2020
Watch Disney+ with QVPN for free

As I shared last time, Poseidon Network is currently participating in various projects and one of them is the platform wo “Folding@home”.
Meanwhile, QVPN, a VPN service that utilizes distributed computing, just launched.

This time I will explain a little about VPN.

What is a VPN?

VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. I think that the user who is accessing the company site by switching the IP at work while at home has heard the name.

Actually, VPN can be used in private. Some content on Netflixand Youtube has a limited access area. VPN is useful when you want to see such limited contents quickly.

If you access from outside of the service area

Disney Plus — the most expected and used platform after Netflix

Disney+ is a streaming platform provided by Disney. The reason why it attracted attention all over the world before it was launched and is said to be Netflix’s biggest competitor is that it has an overwhelming strength in copyright.

One example is the Marvel series movies and characters that Disney Corporation holds the right: Allies of Justice Iron Man, Captain America, and Hooks Series. These movies have enormous commercial value given the number of fans around the world.

Disney+ offers a wealth of large content

The number of users is rising in the US

The Marvel Cinema-tech Universe, which has been running for 10 years at the same time as the screening of “Avengers/End Game” and the renewal of box office income, will be over, but Disney will not end its popularity.

Marvel’s popular character is now on Disney+ and the story continues as original content!

In addition to Marvel, Disney has a large amount of rights to popular and renowned content such as Star Wars and National Geographic.

Why use a VPN to watch Disney+?

I don’t think anyone has heard the works mentioned above. I also think that some people want to see it immediately. Unfortunately, Disney+ is currently only available in North America and some regions.
(2020.6 Disney+ will start in Japan)

If you live in an area where the Disney+ service has not started, you can watch it by using the network of the area where the service is started using VPN!
Even if the service is provided, the contents that can be viewed vary depending on the area, so if the movie you want to see is limited to North America, VPN is useful.
In this way, VPN has various needs. As a result, Poseidon Network has leveraged the distributed computing infrastructure to provide QVPN services.

Free trial of Disney+ using VPN!

You can join the Disney+ free trial program from this link 👉 QVPN for Disney Plus.

In addition to a free VPN service, you will also have a Disney+ account. Let’s enjoy Disney movies at home!

QVPN for Disney+ currently supports iOS, Android, MacOS and Windows devices. If you register according to the manual, you can start using it easily!
This user acquisition program will also test the stability and practicality of the infrastructure that the Poseidon Network has built up to now. In the future, along with the expansion of nodes, practical examples of networks will increase. Keep an eye on future developments.



Poseidon Network

World’s first operational decentralized Content Acceleration Network.