Poshmark Sellers: I Do Both of These!

Rebecca The Reseller
Poshmark Reselling Success
2 min readFeb 25, 2024

I love selling thrifted items to give them a longer life, but selling boutique items is way more efficient, so I do both!

I have made over $47K selling boutique items. The money is great but the best part is that many items sold over and over and over and so I made money and saved time every time an item sold repeatedly because I only did the upfront work once then I got profit without more added work.

Boutique is an amazing way to free up time and scale up your business. You don’t need a business license and you don’t need the Poshmark wholesale market and you don’t need a lot of money to start either. What you do need is my Poshmark Boutique Course, LOL to show you in depth exactly what to do to be profitable from day one! I love sharing what I’ve figured out with others and I do that in my boutique course.

Check out my Poshmark Boutique Course today. Its self paced, lifetime access, you can ask questions…..and you get my vendors list! You can purchase the Boutique Course on its own for $20, but you could also take advantage of my BEST Value Bundle which includes ALL my courses, and ALL my digital downloads, plus any future downloads I create for just $20. Get it here.

Your Poshmark Coach,

If you want to know more about becoming a successful Poshmark Reseller and earning more selling women’s clothing online on Poshmark then check out my Youtube Channel, Instagram, and my FREE Reseller Resource Guide.

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Rebecca The Reseller
Poshmark Reselling Success

Six Figure Reseller on Poshmark & other platforms. I can help you increase your Poshmark sales! https://rebeccathereseller.start.page