EVOLve_18: Nora Moore, MBA [5/30/2022]

Nora Moore, Founder and CEO of GigOut in Los Angeles

4 min readMay 31, 2022


As a creative I have personal frustration with the antiquated job process. As a mom of 2 creative sons, my mission is to make the process better for them and generations to follow.

Twitter: @amorenora

This interview is part #EVOLve Series with one of our @posi2ive community members — in partnership with Responsibly Ventures. Interviewees have been active in our weekly *VC Impact* community roundtables on Twitter Spaces [each Friday 3:30pm PT] and community. In each self-paced and self-authored interview, we ask impact Founders / Investors what they are doing to change the world, and why they’re motivated to focus on their area of impact. Hope you all enjoy!

The Interview

Top Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

  • 4: Quality Education
  • 5: Gender Equality
  • 8: Decent Work / Economic Growth

Impact verticals your venture focuses on:

  • EdTech
  • Future of Work
  • SocialTech

Please share what you’re building, your professional background, and what inspired this venture.

“LinkedIn meets TikTok”. Exclusive gigs for kickass creatives.

What’s the impact focus of your venture? And how do you plan to measure impact?

GigOut is a job platform that puts candidates first.

We serve the creative community to feel valued during the job process. User feedback helps us as we continue to build out the app. Creatives are often overlooked and under valued.

The job process consists of many biases that often leave out some of the most talented individuals for consideration. We are looking to level the playing field and help focus on a candidate’s body of work over exaggerated bullet points and resume keywords.

What’s driving your impact focus?

As a creative I have personal frustration with the antiquated job process. As a mom of 2 creative sons, my mission is to make the process better for them and generations to follow.

What are some obstacles standing in the way of the impact you have planned?

The biggest obstacle to scaling is funding. Less than 3% of VC funding went to women-led ventures in 2020. As a soccer mom new to tech, I am learning to navigate the space to find investors passionate about the future of work and looking to make a change in the funding disparity.

How do you stay motivated?

My kids are an active part of building GigOut. During the pandemic we collaborated at our kitchen table. They keep me accountable and motivated to build an innovative solution to the broken job process.

Tell us about your market, customers, and team.

Over 60 million Gen-Z applicants will enter the workforce in the next 10 years. Their motivation and user habits are different from previous generations when it comes to online activity and finding work. I currently put together a rockstar Advisory Board with leaders in HR, community building, and finance. GigOut has some early users providing us feedback as we scale.

How do you keep yourself healthy — e.g., mentally, physically, emotionally?

Motherhood has taught me that I am my best when I am rested. While many founders subscribe to “no days off” and the 24/7 hustle mentality, I want to normalize taking breaks and time for yourself.

As a creative, I can’t schedule creativity. Many times it comes when I’m not searching. I make sure to take time to relax and unwind which helps me to be productive. I try to go to the beach once a week.

Water and fresh air help me regenerate and I often get many ideas in this landscape. I like to support local restaurants and get inspired by these entrepreneurs and what they have built. My favorite activity is watching my kids play soccer, it reminds me why I work hard.

What are you currently educating yourself on?

I am in love with learning about UX/UI design. It is such a great blend of art and science.

What books, podcasts, or newsletters should our community read — to better understand your area of impact?

The best way to understand and appreciate the creator economy is via social media. I spend hours watching and dissecting content and digital trends. I learn from creatives online each day whether it’s logo design, photography tricks, dance crazes, motivation, or entrepreneur secrets.

After 10+ years working in social media, my brain likes to consume information in snackable bits. I don’t read books/newsletters like I did years ago. I love learning from content creators.

What do you do outside of work, that you like to brag about?

I am a huge sports fan. I support my LSU Tigers and SEC football regularly on Saturdays. I love going to sports events and seeing different venues and arenas. Recently toured $5 billion SoFi Stadium and caught the Rams/Steelers game.

Fingers crossed that I can come up on some Super Bowl tickets. :)

How can the @posi2ive community support your efforts? (*Not public solicitation, nor securities offerings)

User feedback is integral to building a great app. I am looking for people to download GigOut or share it with a creative person and let me know what you think of our solution to enhance the future-of-work.

Copyright 2022, all rights reserved. If you’re a Founder / Investor focused on VC Impact, we’d love to invite you to share your story here (#EVOLve) with the posi2ive community. If you’re an LP or GP in venture, we’d also love to have you apply to our private VC Impact Capital Community.




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