#GoodMarkets: Renewable Energy Startups

Sustainability focused impact verticals that are adjacent to Renewable Energy

2 min readDec 9, 2022


Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Renewable Energy refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished and therefore not finite, such as solar, wind, and hydro power. Within the field of renewable energy, there are several subverticals or specialized areas of focus, including:

1. Solar: This subvertical includes the development and deployment of technologies for harnessing the energy of the sun, such as photovoltaic cells for electricity generation and solar thermal systems for heating and cooling. https://www.energystartups.org/top/solarenergy/

2. Wind: This subvertical involves the use of wind turbines to generate electricity, either onshore or offshore. https://www.energystartups.org/top/windenergy/

3. Hydro Power: This subvertical focuses on the use of water, either from rivers or the ocean, to generate electricity through the use of dams or tidal turbines. https://www.energystartups.org/top/hydropower/

4. Geothermal: This subvertical involves the use of the Earth’s internal heat to generate electricity, either through the extraction of steam from underground geothermal reservoirs or through the use of heat pumps to harness the Earth’s natural heat. https://www.energystartups.org/top/geothermal/

5. Bioenergy: This subvertical encompasses the use of organic materials, such as plant waste or animal manure, to generate electricity or heat through processes such as combustion or fermentation. https://www.energystartups.org/top/biofuel/

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