How to Issue Token on POSI Chain

Before we start

Doris Position
Position Exchange
3 min readNov 7, 2022


You will need some of the below components to build your own token:

  • POSI Address (POSI Chain Network)
  • Some POSI native coins (POSI Chain Network)
  • A text editor (I.e. Sublime / Atom, RemixEthereum)
  • Solidity contract knowledge

POSI Chain Testnet

We have created our own faucet where you can faucet POSI Testnet. Just access and put your POSI Chain address and our smart contract will send you some. There are many ways to issue your token on POSI Chain.

Issue your token

You can use remix, hardhat, or truffle,…to issue your token.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to issue a token with Remix Ethereum.

  1. Go to website and create a file solidity in the contract directory with the name of your token. For example, I put my token name as HuskyToken, so my file is HuskyToken.sol

2. In the next step, we will code your token. Contracts called token run on EVM have standard EIP-20( ERC20)(link). So you must base your token on the type of ERC20. In this HuskyToken, I used a base token from OpenZeppelin (this base is open-source and free).

You can see in line-5, I imported from open source GitHub. Now, you choose a name, and symbol of your token and replace it. You may change the name HuskyToken token in line-9 and line-14 with your name, after that, replace the symbol HT with the symbol of your token

3. In this step, I will show you how to compile

Select the compiler greater than or equal to the compiled version of your code (line-2). And press the button Compile.

4. After compiling, you will need to deploy your token on POSI Chain. The mainnet and testnet of POSI Chain are the same, nothing to differentiate between them. But in testnet you can faucet POSI testnet and can try millions of times with millions of contracts for testing before running your main contract on mainnet.
First thing, you switch the network on Metamask to POSI Chain testnet

In Remix, you must inject an environment from Metamask.

Now, let’s deploy your token. Just press the button Deploy and confirm the transaction in the metamask popup. Wait a few seconds, you can see your token address

Congratulations! You have your token on POSI Chain. Try many times on Testnet before deploying your token on POSI Chain mainnet.

