Position Exchange — NovemberWrap-up and December Strategies

Doris Position
Position Exchange
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2022

It’s time to look back at what the Position Exchange team achieved in November. With all effort, the development team is about to accomplish our goals this month. We’re on track with Phrase IV in regards towards building a completely decentralized and community driven project using innovative instruments for value boosting within DeFi ecosystem as well as helping people reach the true “ Freedom Of Money”. In an effort to make Position Exchange the best platform in DeFi, all of our teams were 100% focused on building products and working 12 hours or more per day. We’ve made significant milestones this past November with 80% completion for UI/backend development, 100% for smart contract on DEX 2.0 and 85% done with implementing DPTP 2.0. The team also made 4606+ pushes/7500+ commits which are vital steps in bringing next generation decentralized finance products forward!

November Wrapback

In November, the Position Exchange team endeavored to bring the best convenience to our beloved users. Let’s recall our achievements in November and cheer for the development team’s contribution of working hard.


In November, development teams consisting of 34 contributors completed 4,606 pushes and 75,255 commits. This number is 3 times more than the commits they did in October.

This November, we completed 80% of the DEX 2.0 and 85% of the DPTP 2.0 mainnet release.

DEX 2.0 is upon us!

Following the goal in November, we are excited to be able to release a public testnet version in a couple of days. Stay tuned for more updates!

New DPTP Interface Coming (Still under development)

DPTP Incentive Testnet Increased to $30,000

The DPTP Testnet Video Campaign was successfully organized from the 18th to the 27th of November with a reward of $1,000.

Our DPTP Incentivized Testnet Program has attracted more than 10,000 participants within 3 weeks.

Especially, users who joined DPTP Incentivized Testnet Program have gained a great ROI:

- Round1: Top 1 gained 1,310% from DPTP Testnet

- Round 2: Top 1 gained 1,280%

- Round 3: Top 1 gained 1,760%

That demonstrates how potential users can leverage their funds compared to other DeFi investments.

The program will continue in the next month with multiple attractive rewards. Join our Discord now and do not miss the treasures.

Social media


Position Exchange on CoinmarketCap becomes one of the favorite informative channels while updating information and reference of not only Position Exchange features but also trading and blockchain knowledge.

To prove that, Position Exchange reached:

  • Top 3 Projects with the most article views growth on Oct 28th and Nov 03rd
  • Top 5 Articles with highest views growth on Nov 04th and Nov 20th


On Twitter, Position Exchange has been continuously growing with numbers of 41,000 impressions and 30,000 mentions


Our Discord reached 32,100 members within 1 month

Plan for December

Development teams are hard at work preparing for the release of our new Decentralized Exchange 2.0 and Decentralized Perpetual Trading Protocol 2.0 in December 2022. All teams will be put on alert as we aim to have it live by this deadline, though there’s no guarantee that it can happen before time since markets constantly change things up last minute sometimes without warning — but don’t worry because we have planned ahead! We’re going to make sure everything goes smoothly with an awesome launching strategy aiming toward achieving millions of dollars worth of success. Get ready for the explosion!


Outstanding features DEX Ver 2.0 will bring about

  • Provide the best price among DEXs
  • Lower slippage than traditional AMM DEXs
  • Higher liquidity than traditional AMM DEXs
  • Supports Orderbook and Limit orders can be placed On-Chain
  • Restrict Sandwich Attack

DPTP 2.0

There are excellent benefits that DPTP 2.0 will bring about:

  • Lower gas fee.
  • Lower operating costs.
  • New Interface
  • Creating a futures exchange that enables users to profit quickly and leverage their investment for greater gains.
  • Constructing an on-chain public exchange that is transparent and allows users to check all of their transactions.
  • Granting users the ability to place orders directly from their DeFi wallets. We do not hold your funds.


Even though it takes a lot of effort, we are looking forward to launching DEX and DPTP Ver 2.0 to the market as planned in December. Position Exchange promises not to disappoint you regarding these two anticipated improvements.

We want to say thank you for your patience beside us while we are trying our best and we hope to receive support from all of you henceforward.

Keep building!

Position Exchange Team.

