Rachel Godfrey
Positive Hypnobirthing
2 min readAug 16, 2014


AIMS, the Association for Improvements in Maternity Services, is a fantastic resource for parents-to-be.

It was founded in 1960 when the founder, Sally Willington, wrote to the Observer about her distressing antenatal and birth experience and was inundated with responses.

Now more than 50 years later, the organisation is a successful national campaigning group for improvements in maternity care, and current campaigns include ‘A Midwife for Me’ (promoting continuity of care and caseload services) and defending Independent Midwifery.

Another important role of AIMS is providing one-to-one support for parents across the country who need information about their choices and rights, as well as support and encouragement for whatever they are going through. If you need their help, they have an email (helpline@aims.org.uk) and telephone number (0300 365 0663) which connect to a group of AIMS volunteers who can assist you.

AIMS has a quarterly journal which focuses on current maternity issues, news on ongoing campaigns and analysis of recent research, as well as a long list of publications on the key issues surrounding pregnancy and birth, including Am I Allowed?, Inducing Labour: Making Informed Decisions and Breech Birth – What are my Options? You can take out a subscription or buy books from their website (http://www.aims.org.uk/). AIMS also makes lots of information and articles freely available on its website, and their frequently asked questions section contains really useful information on Strep B, induction and home births.

If AIMS has helped you, then they would appreciate your support by joining AIMS or making a donation as they receive no government or charitable funding, and rely solely on donations, membership subscriptions and the efforts of their volunteers.



Rachel Godfrey
Positive Hypnobirthing

It is absolutely possible to have a calm, natural and positive birth & I want to support and inspire parents-to-be to have the best birth experience for them.