“Oh theres mud on the floor”? …“Screw it.”

Alexandria Cooper
The Lioness & Her Cub
3 min readJul 7, 2021

Tips for the pregnant mama that feels like she’s going to go insane.

I’ve had days where the house was a mess and dishes were piled up. There was a weird odor coming from somewhere in the house, but you know what? I opened the window, ignored it and then climbed right into my bed. Naturally I always feel the need to get stuff done but I’ve realized, sometimes I have to be like… “Oh theres mud on the floor”?… “Screw it” . (excuse my language).

If you’re a wife like me, you know that there are things that still need to get done around the house… like cleaning, laundry, preparing meals..etc. But lately I’ve been really asking myself the question of how can I do anything when I feel so bad? I’m currently eight months pregnant. At times I feel happy like I could jump for joy, and then other times I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck that has run me over, backed up and hit me again. My body just feels so bad. Then with a new baby coming I’m like “ I need to work.” That way I can stay home longer with my son after he is born. But at times I cant seem to process…. “how”? How do I do this? How do I effectively work, clean, rest… , etc., when I feel horrible?

I’ve realized it’s ok to have a day off to just sit in bed. As a life coach I already knew “self care is the best care," but for a pregnant person this really hits home. When I am just able to relax, it really helps my body to take a break and let go of all the stress throughout the day. Here are some helpful tips I piled together for the pregnant mama that feels like she’s going to go insane.

Take a break.

If you do decide to move around, work, cook, clean..etc. I noticed it really helps to take a break. So what I’ll do is instead of cleaning for a straight two hours, I’ll clean for an hour, then stop. I’ll rest and eat and then after my break I’ll get back to cleaning. Taking a break not only gives my body time to rest but I can also do things like stretch my muscles, go get some water, lay down, things like that. Those things refuel me. When I come back to the task at hand, I feel so much more ready to finish what I was doing.

Ask for help

I realized I cant do everything by myself . This is actually something I’ve always struggled with. I’m so independent that I feel like if I want to get something done right, then I need to do it myself. Now that i’m pregnant Ive realized I need a lot more help and I honestly can’t do this by myself. So i’ll ask my husband to bring me food, I’ll ask him to make me some tea, I’ll ask him to check the mail, take out the trash anything that I would normally do but just can’t. He has been a life saver!

Listen to your body!

I’ve had days when I wake up and I feel like crap! The old me would usually push myself to get stuff done, but doing that during pregnancy only makes the crappy feeling 50x worse! So please listen to your body. I know at times it can get hard because we want to give our little ones the best life possible. So in order to do that we need to work, because the more money/savings, the better. But not if it means we neglect our body while our baby is still inside of us. They also depend on us to rest and be okay emotionally. Not carrying loads of stress.

For all the mama’s out there, please take care of yourself…sometimes it’s so important to remember that somethings can wait. And guess what, because we’re pregnant we can use our pregnancy as a genuine reason to rest and most people will understand. You’ll feel so much better just taking it easy. Everything will work out and fall into place.

Thanks for reading Mama’s

With so much Love,




Alexandria Cooper
The Lioness & Her Cub

Wife || Mama Bear & Self Help Fanatic! I write about Self Help, Christianity & Parenting.