Scenario 1 — General Situation (Problem Scenario)

Yulia Zhiglova
Positive Movement
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

Alex has been exhausted after long work week and had to wake up early on the Saturday morning again to work on the uncompleted work tasks and reports. It was about noon when his friend Peter called him to invite Alex to the afternoon event in the neighbourhood bar. Alex really wanted to attend as did not socialize with friends much lately on. At the same time Alex could not promise to come. He shared with his friend how much work he has and that he cannot manage to complete the assignments during the working hours. Alex mentioned that after 3 pm of every work day he has troubles to concentrate on difficult tasks and has to postpone them to the next day. As a result he has to take assignments home and work on them on the weekends. After hearing this, Peter has mentioned that he had very similar problem before. Alex wondered what happened that Peter does not have such issue anymore. Peter told him about the brain training application that he has been using for almost 9 months already. He explained that this app has many various games that helped him to improve his memory, concentration, as well as helps him to achieve better relaxation. He also mentioned that the results are tracked using his brain biometrics feedback. Thus he can track his progress more precisely. Alex got very interested and immediately downloaded the app. He also had to purchase the Muse to track his progress. Alex is very excited to start his brain training journey and hopeful it will help him to improve his efficiency at work.


  1. Can you imagine yourself in this situation?Do you currently use any brain-training app?
  2. Would you add/change something in this scenario?
  3. If you do not use, what can possibly make you to try to use one of such apps?
  4. If you currently use the app, what do you like, dislike about it?
  5. Would you purchase an additional device (like Muse) to complement the application functions? It costs about 140 euro.

