Scenario 2 — Using the App (Activity + Interaction Scenario)

Yulia Zhiglova
Positive Movement
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

Alex has downloaded the brain training App and decided to use it before work on Monday morning while having a quick breakfast snack and a coffee. He opens the App and sees the welcoming message. Alex goes through the introductory training that acquaints him with the functions of the app. It is pretty straight forward process as Alex does not have choices but to follow the instructions and to press button Next. He completed the introductory tutorial and is excited to start his first training exercise. The exercise is for attention and memory. He has to memorize the location of the figures of a specific color. He did well, only two mistakes out of seven. He starts the next exercise, it is very exciting and he wants to continue but realizes he needs to run to the office. At lunch break around 2pm he decided to play again. He opens the app and it opens exactly on the game he completed before. The app reminded him about his results. He decided to browse through the games to see what else he can play and how it can potentially help him. He found that one group of activities helps with relaxation. He opens one of the activities and it suggested him to go for a walk and listen to the music, provided by the app. He, unfortunately, quites this activity because does not have time to go for a walk neither he had headsets with him. Later, after the long work day Alex came home and received a reminder on the phone that he needs to check his progress and do another brain training activity. He took his new Muse device and checked his brain feedback, it was synced with the app and transferred to his profile record. Before going to sleep he did a mindfulness exercise but he is not sure if it helped him to relax.


  1. Can you imagine yourself in this situation?
  2. Do you use any techniques/activities to relax during the work day?
  3. Would you use the app during your lunch break at work?
  4. What would you change/add to this scenario?

