Believing in Gender Diversity

Mandeep Kaur
Positive Outlook
Published in
1 min readFeb 23, 2019

Everybody is talking about Gender Diversity in corporate companies especially tech companies. In Silicon Valley, big companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft etc. are making their progress towards diversity. Tech companies are evolving a hiring strategy in order to increase their diversity. The diverse workforce is key to the financial success of any business.

The new era of recruiting highly-talented women for top-level positions has begun. Many talented women are already working in leadership roles and contributing to companies’ growth and building a path that leads to the foundation for gender equality in the workplace. There’s no denying that women are playing a vital role as Board Members or Executives in the tech industry.

We know the diversity-leading organizations are moving their business toward greater profitability. It has been seen that diversity-leading organizations tend to perform better, advance their diverse customer-base and building a good business reputation.

In addition, Equilar Diversity Network depicts the gender diversity in the boardroom all across the globe. Also, a mission called 5050by2020 is going on to create gender-balanced leadership in all organizations worldwide by the year 2020.

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Mandeep Kaur
Positive Outlook

Tech savvy, mom, fun-loving, traveller, music lover, blogger