PB open-call on Diversity and Inclusion in the blockchain space — join the conversation!

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2 min readJul 12, 2020

On June, 9th 2020 PositiveBlockchain invited partners & friends to an open-call in order to discuss the ethos of blockchain, how the technology can empower marginalized communities and how we can support in general diversity and inclusion in the blockchain space. Recording.

Key take-aways:

  1. REPRESENTATION of BIPOC is needed across companies, boards, but also events and panels. (Beware of tokenism!). At PB we will reinforce these rules for any future event
  2. GOVERNANCE structures for blockchain projects and communities need to be fair, inclusive and transparent, in the way that they can include beneficiaries.
  3. VISIBILITY matters. Great projects are being built all over the world, but often it is mainly western founders & well-funded projects that get exposure in the media and thus find partners and customers more easily. Projects should be highlighted based on their quality and impact first, which is the aim of PB when sourcing projects globally.
  4. IMPACT measurement of projects needs to be scrutinized. It’s not only about reporting on figures, but making sure impact data are transparent, accurate, and that the methodology used doesn’t create biases and represent the real work done
  5. COLLABORATION is needed to bring local/global projects together and help individuals connect globally to like-minded entrepreneurs and partners which can help in project design and development
  6. EDUCATION is most important to lift local brains and workforce to take up social challenges themselves. It is especially true in emerging markets where tech is relatively new and pools of developers are not yet mature.

Watch the recording of the first call here.

Diversity means going beyond our biases, our filter bubbles, our feeds, challenging the structures and systems which often perpetuate the inequalities and lead to discrimination.
Borrowing from the discourse on anti-racism, it’s about learning and unlearning.

Join the conversation!

We will organize a next open-call on Diversity & Inclusion in September. Contact us at hello@positiveblockchain.io to join & talk in the next one.

Or simply get invitations to future (online) events through our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/81805b9b4d87/pb-news




Founder @Positiveblockchain.io, Lead Europe @Verity Tracking. Blockchain for SDG, climate, social impact