AI Everywhere. Is this the End of the Human Era?

nIrMaL sRiDhAr
PositiveNaick Analytics
2 min readJun 15, 2019

Imagine a world with self driving cars, all of your mundane tasks are automated, you get book recommendations, movie and TV show suggestions, and even your emails are filtered and the spam emails are removed from your inbox.

It’s funny when you think about. We’re already in that world.

Those recommendations or suggestions are based on algorithms that examine what you have watched or bought previously. The algorithms learn from those purchases and uses the data to suggest other things you might enjoy. Artificial intelligence lies behind those algorithms.

AI is already here. From aircraft autopilot to music applications, AI has been penetrating the world for a long time.

Artificial intelligence goes so much further than just recommending a TV show or filtering you emails.

The real question is, does this signal the end of the human era?

Population is always directly proportional to demand. As the rate of growth of population increases, an individual’s needs increases. That is where AI comes in handy. AI is actually designed to optimize our work. It is defined as the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. These processes include learning, reasoning, and self-correction.

AI can be categorized as narrow intelligence and general artificial intelligence. An AI system is designed and trained for a particular task is known as narrow intelligence. An AI system with generalized human cognitive abilities is known as artificial general intelligence.

Since the term is widely used in popular culture, causing the public to have unrealistic fears about artificial intelligence. All too often, when AI is mentioned, people are reminded of Skynet from the Terminator movies. But that isn’t what AI is in reality. AI will simply improve products and services, not replace the humans that use them.

AI depends on data. The cleaner the data, the finer the outcome will be. That is why some people say, “Data is currency”.

Once Hanson (Founder of Hanson Robotics) jokingly asked Sophia (humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics) that “Do you want to destroy humans?”. To which she replied, “OK. I will destroy humans. ‘’ This statement has created chaos. But what is suggested is that the robot should improve its sense of humor.

“Necessity is the mother of all invention”. This term has brought us to where we are now. Everything in science has pros and cons. Whether it’s good or bad depends on how we as humans use it. Maybe someday, there might be a scenario where humans and AI powered humanoid robots will work together, living under the same roof or even contending for equal rights. But, all this doesn’t mean it’s the end of the human species as we know it. After all, humans are incredibly prolific survivors. How do you think we topped the food chain?



nIrMaL sRiDhAr
PositiveNaick Analytics

I speak JavaScript. Love mystery fiction; Swimmer; Ex-footballer. Certified outlaw. To infinity and Beyond. Happily working as a Front-end Engineer at PNA.