A country where floppy discs are still common

Computer programs and data can be saved on floppy disks, a removable disk storage device., which was popular in the 80s and 90s.



Photo by Fredy Jacob on Unsplash

In a press conference, Japan’s digital minister Taro Kono said he was working towards moving administrative procedures online. Now, why did he say that? A country that is home to big tech companies and has one of the world’s largest tech networks, loves old technology, and that is the reason the digital minister took this decision.

Apart from the floppy disk, Kono said that he also hopes to eliminate the use of CDs and mini disks.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

We can still use the floppy disc in this age. Many people like to use old technology to refresh old times, and some have a superstition that floppy disc is safer. If you want to look at it, you can buy it too.

According to a BBC report, cassettes were still widely used in 2015. Meanwhile, in 2019, the country’s cybersecurity minister publicly admitted that he had never used a computer in his life.

A committee formed by the Japanese government found that about 1,900 government procedures still mandated the use of specific storage devices — including the floppy disk, CD, and mini disk, Japan Times reported. The digital minister said the government would change its regulations, so people will be able to use online services instead.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

We know that technology is important, but what the Japanese are doing is not that terrible. Even sometimes we all also think of playing old games, watching old movies, or doing the traditional stuff.

Although, this is also true that we can’t forget that we have to let go of something in order to gain far greater things. So, I guess it’s time the Japanese let go of old technological stuff, though still use it occasionally to refresh their minds.




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