Let’s devise a strategy to retrieve what we have just deemed important

Arthur Von
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2023
Gambar oleh 愚木混株 Cdd20 dari Pixabay

Susan lost her cat that she had been taking care of for 2 years.

Ariq lost his father while having fun with his friends.

Umar lost his luxurious lifestyle as all of his shops had to close down.

Rian left his beloved hometown to go work elsewhere.

Susan, who lost her cat, realizes that there is no longer anyone to comfort her when she feels bored doing tasks, no more funny antics from her cat that used to make Susan laugh.

For Ariq, there will never be a father figure to scold him, a man who was strict with him but always bought his favorite fried rice.

Umar will no longer know the feeling of drinking coffee at the expensive coffee shop in the town. He can no longer experience how cheap the prices were before; now his focus is on providing enough rice for his family next week.

Rian had to leave the land he had called home since childhood, the place where he and his friends used to buy weed after work. Rian also had to let go of his memories with a girl he improperly kissed for the first time in a park near his house.

Thinking about something that is lost, disappeared, taken away, or intentionally left behind.

Through the departure, we will feel a difference, and it becomes a reminder of how different our daily lives were before, how today feels so strange compared to yesterday.

Most of us like and are accustomed to things that are comfortable. If something feels different from our daily lives, we usually investigate, realize, compare, and evaluate the value of the previous daily life (the loss).

If the previous time was better (valuable), it means we are telling ourselves that our current way of life is chaotic or wrong. After realizing it, there is an immediate urge to strategize how to make our current system feel right or return to how it was before.

For people with a fiery passion in their hearts, they will seize that sense of comfort to return to their old selves. They become obsessed with returning to a position they believe is rightful, using every trick in the book to end the chaos as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, there are also people who try to put an end to their whimsical thoughts. They command their hearts to be strong, even in melancholy, because life is full of regret traps in the end.

In the end, we often remember the importance of something after losing it. If only we could appreciate the remaining time and the precious things we have now, but it seems we often struggle, and we tend to be unaware, don’t we?

This writing is originally from my old writing in Indonesian language.

Hi There!

I’m Haku, and my current ambition is do writing 1000 articles about my self-discovery in 2 years from now on and make my own book as a legacy to my kids and my next generation.

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Arthur Von

A man who would like to share his self-discovery, harmony and desire. I'm also an insect enthusiast.